Conference on Cultural Heritage at Museum of the Dominican Man Santo Domingo, República Dominicana 10/08/2012
Heritage is closely linked to culture in that it is formed by certain ways of thinking, feeling and acting in given social groups and manifested in material or tangible products as well as spiritual or intangible. This is what anthropologist Carlos Hernández Soto affirmed at the second cycle of conferences held at the Museum of the Dominican Man.
“The concepts of culture and heritage in the activities of a Culture Ministry: An analysis of the Dominican case.” He approached his topic from his vast experience as an anthropologist, researcher, professor and manager – positions he has occupied while deputy minister of cultural heritage and member of the board of the Museum of the Dominican Man.
Mr. Hernández Soto gave a speech on “The concepts of culture and heritage in the activities of a Culture Ministry: An analysis of the Dominican case.” He approached his topic from his vast experience as an anthropologist, researcher, professor and manager – positions he has occupied while deputy minister of cultural heritage and member of the board of the Museum of the Dominican Man.
In his conference, Professor Hernández Soto explained the importance of heritage, analyzing the relative areas in the sector such as in Law 41-00, which created the Ministry of Culture (MINC). He emphasized the need to consolidate the protection of the country’s intangible cultural heritage including such expressions as the oral tradition, theater and live music, rituals and festival activities, artisans’ work, among others. To do this, he proposed the creation of a competent organization to oversee all that concerns the safeguarding the country’s intangible culture. He believes that such an organization should have an adequate technical staff and the necessary resources in accordance with a concrete plan.
In wrapping up his presentation, Hernández Soto concluded that that “the clarity of ideas, the adequate structure of the MINC and united action on the part of cultural workers, communities, concerned groups, local authorities, and cultural institutions in civil society will make possible the comprehensive safeguarding of the nation’s cultural heritage.”
Each Thursday, the Museum of the Dominican Man becomes the most important anthropological center in the country with its weekly conferences where professionals in anthropology share their research findings with the public. These programs are supported by the Museum as well as various other independent organizations and individuals, according to a press communiqué from the Press Office of the Ministry of Culture.
 Carlos Hernández Soto.
 The Conference Room of the Museum was full to capacity.