![]() | MINERD and OEI present awards to the winners of the National Screenwriting Competition The Ministry of Education (MINERD) and the Organization of Ibero-American States (OEI) presented certificates of recognition to the students who were selected as winnersat the National Screenwriting Competition “Escuela, Escritura y Cine (School, Writing and Film).” The presentation of the awards took place at a ceremony that was held in the virtual classroom of the National Institute of Teachers Education and Training (INAFOCAM for its acronym in Spanish). The presentation of the awards took place at a ceremony that was held in the virtual classroom of the National Institute of Teachers Education and Training (INAFOCAM for its acronym in Spanish). The competitiontook place in all countries of Latin America, as part of the commitment of the Organization of Ibero-American States with the 2021 Educational Goals within the program to strengthen the Latin American Languages ??in Education, which was adopted at the Conference of Ministers that was held in Asuncion, Paraguay, in September 2011. In the Dominican Republic, the invitation was issued to students13 to 17 years old, attending the first two years of high school (in some countries known as Junior High), in coordination with OEI and MINERD’s Directorate General of Secondary Education, and with the support of the SM Foundation, the Spanish Cultural Action and the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (AECID). Sarah AristyCamejo, second yearhigh school student atColegio San Judas Tadeo in Santo Domingo, won first place with her individual creation “MiTurno (My Turn).” ReyvinJáquez, who graduated from the School of Cinema of the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD for its acronym in Spanish), created a short film with the winning script.Meanwhile, the second place went to “Vestidocomo mi hermano (Dressed like my brother)”, a collective production by Perla Michel Ramos Alcalá, María Argentina, Edisleba Rodríguez, María Cristina, Hansel Bonilla andMaría Mercedes, second year students atLiceo de YásicaSabaneta,located in the 11-01 Educational DistrictinSosúa, Puerto Plata. Meanwhile, the third place went to the script “Seis kilos desaparecidos (Six kilos missing)”, another collective production byVíctor Manuel García, Marvin Durán, Ronny Suero, Frandely Mora and Domingo de los Santos, first year high school students at the Punta CanaTV Centerof San Juan Este, located in San Juan de la Maguana. SaraAristy and Perla Ramos, winners of the first and second places, respectively, presented their work at the Ibero-American Congress on Languages ??in Education, which was held in Salamanca, Spain, September 5 to 7. The awards were presented by Cruz MaríaDotel, MINERD’sCoordinator of Arts Education, Juan Miguel Pérez, Director of the general modality of high school education, AnalíaRosali, Coordinator of the Institute for Educational Development and Innovation, RemigioGarcía, from the area of ??Art Education, and Iluminada Rosario, Director of Regional 06 in La Vega; Salvador Muñoz, AECID representative, and CatalinaAndújar, OEI Director in the Dominican Republic. 183 works from around the country entered the competition, of which 59 were screenplays, 52 stories, 64 dialogues and 8 short stories. They were evaluated by a jury composed of personalities from the Dominican film and television areas, who selected the winners. The jury also awarded six honorable mentions. In the category of Stories the works of students Onéximo Trinidad, Eleazar Linares and Ana Castro excelled. Meanwhile, Cheila Hernández, Abigail Pichardo andMaría Ortiz received honorable mentions in the category Dialogue. In his motivational speech, Juan Miguel Pérez, Director of the general modality of high school education, said that creativity and imagination are the ideal tools to bring about the changes that society requires. Catalina Andújar, Director of the OEI in the Dominican Republic, and Desiré Peña, representing the jury, also spoke during the ceremony. Other attendees were Carmen Sánchez, general director of curriculum; AnalíaRosali, Coordinator of the Institute for Educational Development and Innovation; Yilena Sánchez and Jesús Peña, Coordinator of the Department of Languages ??and Assistant Director at the Colegio San Judas Tadeo, respectively; and MónicaVolunteri, of the SM Foundation, institution that donated several books to the winning schools.
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Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.