![]() | Ministry of Labor starts 2013-2016 Strategic Planning The Ministry of Labor is starting to formulate its 2013-2016 strategic plan, setting the institution’s priority objectives for the medium term. Minister of Labor Maritza Hernández explained that this planningis toformulate coursesof action to ensurethe missionand vision ofthe institution and improve serviceto citizens. Minister of Labor Maritza Hernández explained that this planning is to formulate coursesof action to ensurethe missionand vision ofthe institution and improve serviceto citizens. “The StrategicPlanisa management toolthat allows us tomake the decisionsof the institution, from 2013to 2016, withgreater efficiency, effectivenessandquality of servicesoffered by theMinistry of Labor,” said Hernandez. Putting out a call for teamwork,the Ministerstated thatthis plan should bethe outcome of joint reflection that is always citizen-centered and based on thefive core areas that are the institution’s priority. This processwill be coordinatedby the CIDEAL foundation, with funding fromthe Spanish Agency forInternationalDevelopment Cooperation(AECID), which expressed theirinterest in achieving a aparticipatoryand comprehensiveplan. Attending the opening ceremony for the formulationof the plan was the Minister of Labor, AECID GeneralCoordinatorCarlosCano, andCIDEALFoundation Technical Support Director LuisCámara. This planningis aligned with theNational DevelopmentStrategy, the2011-2014NationalPlanfor the PublicSector,and all theinstrumentsthat comprise theNational Planning and Public InvestmentSystem (SNPIP). | |
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.