![]() | Winners of the XI BIASD are selected The Ministry of Culture, in coordination with the Museum of Modern Art, the Embassy of Spain, the Nuevarquitectura Inc. Group (GNA for its acronym in Spanish), the CODIA, and the Society of Architects of the Dominican Republic (SARDfor its acronym in Spanish) announced the winners of the XI INTERNATIONAL ARCHITECTURE BIENNALEOF SANTO DOMINGO2012 (BIASD). “The “USAID Youth Alert” program is being implemented by ENTRENA, and the Capotillo neighborhood component will be implemented by the Dominican Institute for Integral Development (IDDI). The Capotillo component includes monitoring during the daytime for the most at risk children and adolescents. During the 2012 XI BIASD, 45 degreeprojects competed to win three awards and honorable mentions, as well as 84 proposals in the professional group, which were divided into the following categories: Theory, History and Criticism (ten); Monument Restoration (8); Landscape (5); Interior Design (13); Urban Design – Projects (3); Urban Design – Works (3); Architectural Design – Projects (25); and Architectural Design – Works (17). The winners of the Grand Exaequo BiennialPrize were: “Santomé 115,” by Sonya Pérez; “Centro de la Imágen,” by Mauricia Domínguez; and “Museo Sacro de la Vega,” represented by Ariosto Montisano. In the category Degree Project, the winner of the First Placewas: “El Lenguaje en la Arquitectura. La percepción en el Lenguaje del Tiempo (Language in Architecture. Perception in the Language of Time),” by Aris Hernández Pichardo. The Second Place went to “Aceleración Urbana. Vínculo Turístico, Historia y Cultura de San Pedro de Macorís (Urban Acceleration. Tourist Ties, History and Culture of San Pedro de Macorís),”by Daphne De Morla and Sorivic Ramírez.The Third Place was awarded to”Espacio Programado. Prototipos Temporales (Planned Space. Temporary Prototypes),” by Iván Tavárez Blanco. The Honorable Mentions went to: “Centro para el Fomento y Desarrollo de la Agropecuaria (Center for the Promotion and Development of Agriculture),” by Liliana Sánchez Martínez and Myvell MahfoudHernández; “Metáforas. Mimesis en Arquitectura (Metaphors.Mimesis in Architecture),” Centro Cultural del Este, by Pebel Evangelina Rodríguez Suero; “Estragos de la Noción Temporal: Escenarios Distópicos en el Imaginario Urbano (Ravages of the Temporal Concept: Dystopian Scenarios in the Urban Imaginary),” by Géminis Danae Peguero Bueno; and”Vialidad Motorizada. Incidencia de la Vialidad Motorizada en la Trama Urbana(Motorized Roadways. The Impact of Motorized Roadways on the Urban Fabric),”presented by Nicaury Santos Reynoso. In the category Theory, History and Criticism,the First Exaequo Prize was awarded to “Basílica Catedral de Santo Domingo (Cathedral Basilica of Santo Domingo),” by Eugenio Pérez Montas, Esteban Prieto Vicioso and JoséChez Checo. And the winner of the Special Prize was: “La Geografía Política de la Frontera Haitiano-Dominicana (The Political Geography of the Haitian-Dominican Border),” by Melisa Vargas Rivera. The Second Place went to “Imágenes de Nuestra Historia (Images of Our History),” by Ramón Bienvenido Pantaleón Hernández. The Special Mention corresponded to “Guía de Arquitectura de Santo Domingo (Guidebookof the Santo DomingoArchitecture),” by the Erwin Walter Palm Foundation. In the category Monument Restoration, the First Place winner was: “Restauración de la Catedral Santiago Apostol (Restoration of the Santiago ApostolCathedral),” by César Iván Feris Iglesias and Alejandro Carrasco; and the Second Place went to “Ermita de Monserrat, Símbolo de la Matanceridad(Shrine of Monserrat, symbol of Matanceridad),” by Cubans Ramón Recondo Pérez and Carlos Alonso Caraza. In the category Landscape, the First Place winner was: “Inteligencia Colectiva, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana(Collective Intelligence, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic)” by Soohaus and UNIBE, which were represented by Alex Martínez;and the Second Place was awarded to “Parque Mirador Oeste San Cristóbal(Mirador West Park San Cristobal),” by Ariosto Montisano, Elia Martínez, Sheila Wallach and Ámbar Escoto. In the Interior Design category,theFirst Place was awarded to “Ñam Ñam Korean Snach Cuisine,” by Elvin Díaz and Ching Ling Ho Shum. The Second Place was presented to “Parque Educativo Niñopolis(NiñopolisEducational Park),” by Ariosto Montisano, Eddy Pimentel and Estefanía Bourtokan, Marivi Perdomo and Jorge Ventura. The Third Place went to “Spice Temple – Melbourne,” by 1:1 Architects, represented by Yamil Khoury Díaz. The Honorable Mentions went to “Baby Peque Kids. Reforma Interior de un Local Comercial para Actividades Infantiles(Baby Peque Kids. Interior Renovation of a Commercial Site for Children’s Activities),” by María Cristina Aquino Sturla; and “Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos del Centro de Medicina Avanzada Dr. Abel González(Intensive Care Unit of the Dr. Abel GonzálezCenter for Advanced Medicine)”, by Kathylka González. The Single Award in the categoryUrban Design – Project was presented to “Fuerte de Santa Bárbara(Fort of Santa Barbara),” by Mauricia Domínguez. Whereas the Unique Prize in the categoryUrban Design – Work went to “Nuevo Malecón Turístico de Barahona/Paseo Litoral María Montés(Barahona’sNew TouristicMalecon / Maria Montés Coastal Promenade),” submitted by the Ministry of Tourism, which was represented by Yamilet Matos. (Tourist Lodging)],” by Luis Alfredo Valdez Acosta, Rosa Elvira Jiménez Arvelo and Marcelle Marie Martínez Bonetti; the Second Place was awarded to “512 Retail House,” submitted by George Aponte and Carmen Rita Méndez; and the Third Placewent to “Casa de Campo Loma Linda(Loma Linda Country House),” by Visanto Properties. In the category Architectural Design – Work, the First Place went to “Condominio Idalia (Idalia Condominium),” by Roberto Rijo, Associated Architects; the Second Place was won by “Instituto Técnico Superior Comunitario en San Luis (ITSC),” submitted by the Technical Advisory Group – GTA, represented by Jorge Mesa and Juan Herrera; and the Third Placewas awarded to “Villa Enero,” by Dominic Design, represented by DominicaInés Abud. The Honorable Mentions went to: “Market,” by Arturo Despradel; “Alpha Sociedad de Valores (Alpha Securities Company),” by Alejandro Arturo Herrera Gómez; and “Rancho Arriba 8,” by Sánchez and Curiel Architects, represented by Andrés Sánchez y César Curiel. The Honorable Mentions went to: “Market,” by Arturo Despradel; “Alpha Sociedad de Valores (Alpha Securities Company),” by Alejandro Arturo Herrera Gómez; and “Rancho Arriba 8,” by Sánchez and Curiel Architects, represented by Andrés Sánchez y César Curiel. The jury for the 2012 XI BIASD was integrated by Architects Inés Sánchez de Madariaga; Ana López Ortego and Kathy Macdonald. In addition,Architect Constantinos Ph Saliaris B, served as the jury’s secretary. The Biennial aims to promote national and internationalarchitectural and urban works, as well as all related installations, both at the level of projects and constructions, which have occurred inside and outside the national territory and which deserve to be publicized due to their thematic success, their innovative approaches, their suitable use of advanced technologies, and/or because they possess other attributes that may benefit them. The XI INTERNATIONAL ARCHITECTURE BIENNALE OF SANTO DOMINGO 2012 will remain open to the public until January 27, 2013,at the Museum of Modern Art of the Dominican Republic, which is located in the Plaza de la Cultura Juan Pablo Duarte. The schedule of visits is: Tuesday to Sunday, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. | |
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.