![]() | Authorities hold a meeting to discuss issues related to the Copyright Law The President of the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC), Santiago Schuster, and the Administrative Board of the General Society of DominicanAuthors, Composers and Publishers, Inc. (SGACEDOM – Sociedad General de Autores, Compositores y EditoresDominicanos, Inc.) held a working meeting in which they discussed issues related to the implementation of CopyrightLaw 65-00, which is not being fully implementedto the detriment of authors and composers. He also announced that a meeting will take place in Mexico on April 15 and 16 where the situation in the Dominican Republic in regard to compliance with the aforementioned law will continue to be discussed. During the meeting, representatives of CISAC and SGACEDOM reviewed the mechanisms of control and accountability with regard to said law, while Manuel Jiménez, President of SGACEDOM, gave details on the work that is being done by both institutions to improve the quality of management. Schuster, who chairs the international agency representing some 200 organizations and more than three million authors and composers, said that there is some concern regarding the non-compliance with the aforementioned law, but explained that the current board of directorsthat was appointed by the Minister of Culture, José Antonio Rodríguez, has the support of the organization hechairs. He stressed that he has full confidence in each of the persons who have been appointed to the new board of directors, stating that SGACEDOM is one of the most important Spanish-speaking institutions of its kind, since it has consolidated its work in seeking to overcome the weaknesses and deficiencies that have beenfound. He argued that, with respect to copyrights,entrepreneurs and show producers in the Dominican Republicare not in compliance with the law or with the established rates. In this regard, he said that experts in this field will use the necessary technical tools to improve the administration and to overcome the shortcomings that have been identified. He also announced that a meeting will take place in Mexico on April 15 and 16 where the situation in the Dominican Republic in regard to compliance with the aforementioned law will continue to be discussed. Schuster said that only ten percent of what should be collected by enforcing law 65-00 is being received, and that the benefits mandated by the laws must reach the various authors and composers. Among other SGACEDOM and CISAC directorswhoattended the meeting were singer and songwriterVíctorVíctor and Engineer Fernando Marcos, from Brizna Music Publishing, respectively. |
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
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