![]() | DREFF Launches 5th Educational Expedition to Pico Duarte LThe Dominican Republic Environmental Film Festival (DREFF), an initiative of Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) and Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (FUNGLODE), in collaboration with Fundacion Siempre Mas and Children International launched the 5th Educational Expedition to Pico Duarte this past Monday February 18th. The 5th Educational Expedition, taking place March 14-17, will provide 50 students from around the country the opportunity to trek the highest mountain range in the Antilles with the aim of learning more about their natural heritage and exploring their connection to the environment. The event, which took place at Children International’s center in La Caleta, included a screening of GFDD’s short film on the First Educational Expedition to Pico Duarte, as well as a presentation by professional mountaineer and DREFF contributor Karim Mella, whom was on site to motivate the students and set trip expectations. The 5th Educational Expedition, taking place March 14-17, will provide 50 students from around the country the opportunity to trek the highest mountain range in the Antilles with the aim of learning more about their natural heritage and exploring their connection to the environment. During the four-day trek, students will be given lectures on the geography of the Cordillera Mountain Range, its rivers, fauna and flora, and climate, as well as instruction on environmental protection, forest fires, reforestation and first aid. The students will also learn the importance of personal strength, teamwork, comradeship, discipline and group awareness– skills that will help them to achieve their present and future goals. DREFF hopes the trip will provide students with a positive enduring experience, and help them gain an appreciation of their shared natural heritage and the importance of protecting it for future generations. About the Educational Expedition to Pico Duarte DREFF organized the First Educational Expedition to Pico Duarte on April 2-5, 2012. The four-day trek which took forty-five students from three Dominican high-schools — Centro de Excelencia Media Profesora Cristina Billini Morales Fe y Alegria, Centro de Excelencia República de Colombia and Centro Educativo República de Guatemala, provided participating students the chance to develop an emotional connection and respect for nature, and inspired greater stewardship for countries precious natural resource. Following the great success of the first Educational Expedition Pico Duarte,Fundacion Siempre Mas, in collaboration with DREFF carried out three subsequent trips to Pico Duarte, including the second Educational Expedition on July 5-8, for thirty five students from the Politécnico Ave María de Villa Mella and the Liceo La Salle de Capotillo public high schools; the third Educational Expedition on October 4-7, with the participation of fifty-five students and professors from Liceo San Juan Bautista del Caimito, and Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro schools; and the third Educational Expedition to Pico Duarte which will take place this coming February 21-24 and include 76 students and teachers from 4 different public high schools in Los Guaricanos, La Caleta, San Pedro de Marcoris and Veron. The subsequent expeditions were made possible thanks to support from the Dominican Republic Environmental Film Festival (DREFF), whom donated equipment for realization of each expedition as well as many other collaborators including the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of the Dominican Republic, Fundacion Quiereme como Soy, Swanson Family Foundation,Fundación Futuro Posible and other private enterprises. The innovative initiative reflects DREFF’s overall mission to interact with leading figures in the environmental community and to make a difference. The Festival aims to raise awareness and deepen understanding of environmental issues among Dominican audiences. At the same time, the Festival celebrates the beauty and diversity of the Dominican Republic’s natural heritage and offers insights intended to contribute to its appreciation, conservation and sustainable use.
Links: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qZM_jWQF9Y http://www.children.org/ http://www.facebook.com/#!/FundacionSiempreMas |
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.