CNSS evaluates measures to address deficit in Family Health Insurance The President of the Consejo Nacional de la Seguridad Social (CNSS – National Council on Social Security), who is the official spokesperson for the system, Maritza Hernández, informed that a committee of that agency is reviewing a group of measures to address the financial deficit of the Seguro Familiar de Salud del Régimen Contributivo (Family Health Insurance of the Contributive Plan). “One of the main initiatives that we intend to implement is the application of measures of control to prevent circumvention, i.e.,that wages lower than those being earned are reported to the plan … The official pointed out that the Social SecurityCommittee on Budget, Finance and Investments, which will submit a report to the CNSS,is in charge ofdeveloping the proposals. She explained that the unfavorable amount, which on average amounts to 13,898,822.56 per month, is caused by a difference between the funds that are being collected and the payments that are being made to the Health Risk Administrators (ARS). “One of the main initiatives that we intend to implement is the application of measures of control to prevent circumvention, i.e.,that wages lower than those being earned are reported to the plan. That will take a collaborative effort that we will undertake together with the Ministry of Labor, the Directorate General of the Internal Revenue (DGII), and the Social Security Treasury (TSS),” Hernández stated. In that regard, Maritza Hernández, who is alsothe Minister of Labor,informed that the agency she presides seeks to increase and strengthen the number of inspectors nationwide to ensure proper compliance with these provisions. The President of the CNSS asserted that the Family Health Insurance has a fund of over 6,600,000 million pesos, and thatthey seekto ensure better performance of the fund by obtaining higher interest rates. The Social SecurityCommittee on Budget, Finance and Investments is integrated by the government, employers, workers, professionals and technical sectors. |
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