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Students Make History During Trip to Pico Duarte

76 estudiantes hacen historia en la 4ª Expedición Educacional al Pico Duarte

Students Make History During Trip to Pico Duarte
Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo 02/28/13

The Fourth Educational Expedition to Pico Duarte, organized by Karim Mella’s Fundacion Siempre Mas, in collaboration with Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) and Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (FUNGLODE) among other organizations, took place this past February 21-24, with the participation of 76 high school students, 12 volunteers and a five-person team lead by Karim, an assistant, doctor, cook and cameraman. The students came from 5 schools across the country including the Politécnico AragónLiceo Dario GomezPolitécnico Ann & Ted Kheel and the Hogar Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos schools, as well as two special needs students from the Quiereme Como Soy Foundation, marking the first time in Dominican history that special needs children manage to reach the highest peak in the Caribbean.

The initiative was cultivated during the first DR Environmental Film Festival (DREFF) in September 2011, and provided participating students with the chance to develop an emotional connection and respect with nature.

GFDD and FUNGLODE provided students with the necessary equipment for the hike including backpacks, coats, gloves, hats, t-shirts and flashlights. In anticipation of the climb, the students were prepped by the expedition’s official doctor on the importance of hydration and other vital aspects related to hygiene and trail maintenance whilst hiking.

The expedition included lectures on the geography of the Cordillera Mountain Range, the climate of the Dominican Republic, environmental protection, forest fires, reforestation and first aid. Additionally, themes relating to the Bicentennial of Juan Pablo Duarte were also included, that focused on creating a culture of inclusion for children suffering from Downs-syndrome, autism or other cognitive conditions.

The students also learnt learn the importance of personal strength, teamwork, comradeship, discipline and group awareness– skills that will help them to achieve their present and future goals. DREFF hopes the trip will provide students with a positive enduring experience, and help them gain an appreciation of their shared natural heritage and the importance of protecting it for future generations.

The expedition to Pico Duarte reflects DREFF’s overall mission to interact with leading figures in the environmental community and, by encouraging the participation of young students, foster change at a grassroots level.

About Karim Mella and Fundacion Siempre Mas
Karim Mella participated in the first-ever Dominican expedition to Mount Everest in 2011. Karim founded Fundacion Siempre Mas in 2012, a private, nonprofit organization that aims to contribute to the cultural, ecological and human development of Dominican youth through educational trips to Pico Duarte.

Related Links:!/FundacionSiempreMas

76 estudiantes hacen historia en la 4ª Expedición Educacional al Pico Duarte
Pablo Ortega, Luis Oscar Villanueva y Karim Mella

76 estudiantes hacen historia en la 4ª Expedición Educacional al Pico Duarte
Karim Mella junto a los estudiantes del Liceo Aragon

76 estudiantes hacen historia en la 4ª Expedición Educacional al Pico Duarte
Karim Mella escalando junto a los estudiantes de liceos

76 estudiantes hacen historia en la 4ª Expedición Educacional al Pico Duarte
Karim Mella en una seccion explicativa a los estudiantes de liceos

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