![]() | “Taste of my Homeland” by Dominican Author Socorro Castellanos Wins 2012 GOURMAND World Cookbook Award Pioneer Dominican television and radio host Socorro Castellanos´ most recent book has received the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards prestigious international prize for “second best book” of easy family recipes in a decision announced last February 23rd. Over 26,000 cookbooks and wine primers are published each year internationally. The books first compete in their own language and category then the winners compete against each other to be pronounced the Best Book of the Year. A total of 171 countries with over 8,000 books participated this year in the competition, and some forty books from Latin America -entered in the Spanish language- were finalists. In each category, finalists rank among the best five books in the world. “Taste of my Homeland,” published by Aguilar de Santillana in 2012, comprises a collection of creole recipes, legacy of an exquisite gastronomical native culture, spiced up with memories and anecdotes, historical data, advice and cooking secrets. The decision is made by an international jury comprise of Jean Jacques Ratier, Mayor of Sorges, the capital city of Perigord truffles, in Périgueux; Sara Baer-Sinnott, president of Oldways, a US non-profit organization; Bo Masser, Booktown´s primer director, Grythyttan (Sweden); and Edouard Cointreau, president and founder of the Gourmand Awards. Socorro Castellanos is a veteran radio and TV producer and hostess. She pioneered programs targeting female audiences, such as “Buenastardes a la orden” (Good Afternoon, how can I help you?). Other programs she has produced are, “A buentiempo” (On Time), “El show del mediodía” (The Midday Show), “Punto Final” (Full Stop), “Entrega especial” (Special Delivery), and “Con los cincosentidos” (With Five Senses). She has published “Con los cincosentidos” (With Five Senses), “Las mejoresrecetas de Buenastardes a la orden” (The Best Recipes of Good Afternoon at Your Service) and the memoir, “Johanna, mi hija” (Joanna, my daughter). | |
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.