Long Night of Museums in Spring Promises a Variety of Attractions The Ministry of Culture through the General Directorate of Museums is offering a diverse program that promises to be full of magic, dance, music and color at Saturday’s “Long Night of Museums in Spring” that runs from 9:00 in the morning until 12 midnight on March 23rd. The 14 participating museums and their directors, located in Colonial City, La Romana andHigüeyhave gone to great effort in coordinating these activities for the entertainment of their visitors. The activities and participating museums, set up to elegantly usher in the spring, will be providing a series of memorable activities for all who attend this special event. The 14 participating museums and their directors, located in Colonial City, La Romana andHigüeyhave gone to great effort in coordinating these activities for the entertainment of their visitors. Participants include the Inventory Center of Cultural Property, the Columbus Alcázar Museum, the Fort of Santo Domingo, Altagraciano Museum, the Regional Archeological Museum of Altos de Chavón (La Romana), Cultural Center of Spain, the National Folklore Office (DINAFOLK), Center of the Image, Museum of the Dominican Family, theTelecommunications Cultural Center, the Trampoline Children’s Museum, Consistorial Palace and the House of Theater. The Casas Reales Museum as well as 13 others will open their doors at 9:00 in the morning with a series of recreational and cultural activities that include the presentation of a children’s Theater Workshop, a mini zoo for young children, screening of “The Rite of Spring” by Russian composer Igor Stravinski. There will also be a live jazz concert on the Patio of the Real Audiencia. The Columbus Alcázar Museum has prepared a program for all ages and all tastes including a trip through the magic of spring including masks that symbolize discovery and the beauty of the country’s cultural heritage. Among the activities is the Mask Ball (Baile de Máscara), a festival put on by Columbus and his family in which they interacted with their guests in a dance reminiscent of colonial times. The will also a children’s activity, “The Garden of Ideas,” and a show with singers from that period. The Regional Archeological Museum of Altos de Chavón will show the documentary “History of the Life of Juan Pablo Duarte.” Theywill give a class on making ragdolls for girls and basket weaving for boys in addition to an exhibition and sale of handmade jewelry to the sounds of Dominican song and dance. The National Folklore Office is offering an essentially educational program in the form of a silly hat-making workshop given by Manuela Feliz. Other workshops include a conference called “Beans with Candy.” There will be face-painting, statues of 19th century characters and a parakeet on display at the Museum of the Dominican Family. Telecommunications Cultural Center will present “Nekrasov,” performed by the La Bartola theatrical group. Children’s and family films will be shown. Other activities include workshops on making cards with fresh flowers, a gastronomy festival and a Duarte Bicentennial exhibition. Entry to all participating museums is free of charge | ||
Las ultimas noticias/novedades de lo que acontece con los Dominicanos en las Grandes Ligas durante toda la temporada 2019.