Dominicana Online » Noticias » Emilio Herasme Peña was selected as the winner of the National Journalism Award

Emilio Herasme Peña was selected as the winner of the National Journalism Award

Emilio Herasme Peña was selected as the winner  of the National Journalism Award

Emilio Herasme Peña was selected as the winner of the National Journalism Award
Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo 3/26/13

The Ministry of Education (MINERD) and the ColegioDominicano de Periodistas(CDP – Dominican College of Journalists) announced that veteran journalist Emilio Herasme Peña was selected unanimously by the jury as the winner of the 2013 National Journalism Award.

The National Journalism Award is presentedin compliance with Presidential Decree 74-94, of March 28, 1994. The winner will receive a diploma and a cash price.

During a meetingthat took place at MINERD’s headquarters, the Minister of Education, Mrs. Josefina Pimentel, and the President of the CDP, Aurelio Henríquez, together with the jury, announced that the award will be presented on April 5, which is the National Day of Journalists.

The National Journalism Award is presentedin compliance with Presidential Decree 74-94, of March 28, 1994. The winner will receive a diploma and a cash price.

In the selection of the experienced communicator, the jury took into consideration the merits he has accumulated during the course of his 50 years of practicing social communication, his contributions to the trade and the workof the Guild, and his proven honesty, ethics and patriotic merits.

During the announcement of Herasme Peña’s selection, the Minister of Education said that the communicator enhances national journalism.

“We commend his career, his contributions to the Guild and his long professional career. He is a pioneer in the field of journalism; he has been president of the CDPtwice;he has spearheaded liberation struggles; he has led partisan struggles; he is a man of great valor, courage and strength,” Mrs. Pimentel stated.

In turn, the President of the CDP said that this is a State award which recognizes the trajectory of all journalists.

About the award winner

During the exercise of his journalism careerHerasme Peña has been director of two daily national newspapers, founder of a sports newspaper and a guild publication, and co-founder of a monthly magazine.

He has been a reporter and political analyst for several media outlets, as well as the principal leader on four occasions of the SindicatoNacional de PeriodistasProfesionales(SNPP – National Union of Professional Journalists),known today as SindicatoNacional de Trabajadores de la Prensa (SNTP – National Union of Press Workers) and the CDP. He also holds a Doctorate degree in Law.

The jury of the 2013 National Journalism Award was also composed byAméricoMartínez, Executive Director of the Dominican Association of Radio Broadcasters (ADORA); Persio Maldonado of the Dominican Association of Newspapers; Giovanni Matos Subervi of the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD), and journalists Tomás Aquino Méndez, Danny Alcántara and José Rafael Sosa.

Also participated in the meeting MINERD’s legal consultant, Dr. Carmen Reyes, and the Director of Communications, Mrs.Rosa María Jiménez.

Emilio Herasme Peña was selected as the winner  of the National Journalism Award

The Minister of Education, Mrs. Josefina Pimentel, with the members of the jury of the National Journalism Award.From left to right: José Rafael Sosa, journalist for El Nacional; Giovanni Matos Suberví, of UASD; Tomás Aquino Méndez, fromListínDiario; Persio Maldonado, of the Dominican Association of Newspapers; AurelioHenríquez, from CDP; AméricoMartínez, Executive Director of ADORA, and Danny Alcántara, Commentator for the Hoy Mismo programat Color Visión.

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