Dominican Penal Code Faces Challenge of Eradicating Violence against Women in the DR Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic 4/12/2013
Alejandrina Germán, Minister of Women, guaranteed that although the Government of the Dominican Republic has reinforced its efforts to stem violence against women and girls, many important challenges still remain in the goal of eradicatingit entirely. She cited such issues as the approval of the Dominican Penal Code with recommendations and observations that grew out of the articulation between the Ministry of Women and Civic organizations that deal with women’s issues.
However, the main challenge is to achieve equality and gender equity and the prevention of violence that exists in all areas throughout our country in order to build a new value system that guarantees that gender equality is converted into practice in everyday life,” said the Minister. She added that the biggest challenge in strengthening the integration of these mechanisms while supporting networks that combat violence against women.
TheMinister made these declarations during her speech at the United Nation’s 57th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) held in New York. The priority theme was the “Elimination and prevention of all forms of violence against women and girls.”
However, the main challenge is to achieve equality and gender equity and the prevention of violence that exists in all areas throughout our country in order to build a new value system that guarantees that gender equality is converted into practice in everyday life,” said the Minister. She added that the biggest challenge in strengthening the integration of these mechanisms while supporting networks that combat violence against women.
The Dominican government, she said, is stepping up its efforts to end violence against women and girls and that these actions are derived from the commitments made by the Dominican government to various conventions, conferences and international resolutions relative to women’s rights and the struggle against violence.
She explained that the Dominican Republic has a legal framework that incorporates relevant advances in the fight against gender violence, such as the Dominican Constitution proclaimed in 2010, which enshrines the right to personal integrity, respect for the physical, mental and moral right to live without violence. It further condemns domestic and family violence in all its forms.
“Other significant legislative developments are found in Law 24-97 on Violence against Women and Domestic Violence; Decree 423-98 which creates the National Commission on Preventing and Combatting Domestic Violence (CONAPLUVI); Decree 97-99 which created the International Committee for the Protection of Migrant Women (CIPROM); Law 88-03 which institutes Women’s Shelters and Law 1-12 which establishes the National Development Strategy 2010-2030that contains one of its four strategic programs for equal rights and opportunities,” added Minister German.
Along these same lines, it is important to add the other relevant programs and organizations, such as that the National Plan for Gender Equality and Equity 2007-2017 (PLANEG II), the Strategic Plan for the Prevention, Detection, Attention and Punishment of Violence against Women and Domestic Violence 2011-2016, the Attorney General for Women, the 14 Gender Violence Care Units the 52 Provincial and Municipal Offices for Women, the Program for the Prevention of Violence against Women for Legal Aid and Therapeutic Counseling for Domestic Violence Victims, the 39 Offices for Gender Equity and Development established in the various branches of government.
Through these measures, they have also created the National Victims Assistance Program on the part of the Attorney General of the Republic; Domestic, Sexual and Gender Violence Care Units in 14 provinces around the country; the Commission for Gender Equity and Legal Justice Policies; National Norms for Comprehensive Healthcare Service Providers for Gender and Domestic violence cases.
Minister German added that there are many other provisions set up, including a 24-hour hotlineto the Ministry of Women, a Lifeline for Aid to Persons in Violent Situations set up at the Public Ministry, a Specialized Office for Gender and Domestic Violence under the National Police, the Women’s Shelter Program at the Ministry of Women, the Office of Legal Aid at the Attorney General’s Office as well as local networks for Comprehensive Care for Gender and Domestic Violence all with the goal of promoting the involvement of a broad spectrum of various actors and organizations providing services for the prevention, attention and punishment for domestic and violence against women.