![]() | Ministry of Culture presents awards to the winners of the National Carnival Parade contest The Ministry of Culture, chaired by José Antonio Rodríguez, presented the awards to the winning carnival groupswho participated in theNational Carnival Parade,which was held on the Malecón in the Dominican capital.The Grand Prize was awarded to the carnival group called “Los Arlequines y algomás (The Harlequins and something else),” of Santo Domingo Norte, in tribute to the Dominican Republic, with a cash prize of 500,000 pesos. The winners received a plaque of recognition. The first places received 100,000 pesos, the second places 75,000 pesos, and the third places 50,000 pesos. The Carnival Grand Prize received a cash prize of 75,000 pesos. The ceremony, which was held in the Enriquillo SánchezAuditorium, and was also attended by Ramón Lachapelle, Director of Cultural and CarnivalAdministration; Carlos Santos, Coordinator of the Vice Ministry of Institutional Development; music teachers Manuel Tejada and Juan Colón; and Pedro Núñez del Risco, Director of Events. They presented the awards. The winners received a plaque of recognition. The first places received 100,000 pesos, the second places 75,000 pesos, and the third places 50,000 pesos. The Carnival Grand Prize received a cash prize of 75,000 pesos. Prior to the presentation of the awards, Minister Rodríguez announced that Santo Domingo had been chosen as the 2014 Ibero-AmericanCarnivalCapital, an opportunity that will serve to acquaint the world with the wealth of creativity of the Dominican people. He expressed his hope that this occasion should serve to demonstrate that “we have nothing to envy toany of the carnivals that take place in the various countries of the world.” He also spoke of the need to create a carnivalschool, which would enhance and appreciate the great work that is being carried out in the country organizing the various carnivals. The winners of the Alibandas were: The CR Band, of Cristo Rey, National District; the second place went toEl Yuatallón, of SabanaPerdida, in Santo Domingo Norte; and the first place to the Villa Band, of Villa Consuelo. In the Individual category ofthe National Children’s Parade,the third place went to “La Reina de Primavera (The Queen of the Spring)”, of Villa Mella in Santo Domingo Norte; the second place was for “Alegría en Carnaval (Joy in Carnival)” by MejoramientoSocial, of the National District; and the firstplace went to “RobalagallinaNiño,” of San Juan de la Maguana. In turn, in the Traditional category,the third place went to”El Cafetal (The Coffee Plantation),”of San Pedro de Macoris.In the Popular Creativity category, the third place winner was “La Gran Boda (The Big Wedding),” of San Francisco de Macoris; the second place went to “Los Herederos de los Tiznao (The Heirs of the Tiznaos),” ofHacienda Estrella in Santo Domingo Norte; and the first place went to “El Viajero del Swin y suTradiciónInfantil (The SwinTraveler and his Children Tradition),” from Villa Consuelo in the National District. In the Popular Creativity category, thethird place went to “Sol Luna, Estrella en Carnaval (Sun, Moon, Star in Carnival),” of the MaríaAuxiliadora sector in the National District; the second place was for “Las Nietas del Tío San (Uncle San’s Granddaughters),” of Guachupita, National District; and the winner of the first place was “Los Buloyitas,” of SabanaPerdida, Santo Domingo Norte. The winners in the Historical Category were: “Mayas, y Conquistadores Españoles (Mayans and Spanish Conquistadors),” of Villa Francisca in the National District; the second place was awarded to “RaícesAfricanas (African Roots),” of Guachupita, National District;and the winner of the first place was “Sangre Africana (African Blood),” of San Carlos, National District. The winners in the Historical Category were: “Mayas, y Conquistadores Españoles (Mayans and Spanish Conquistadors),” of Villa Francisca in the National District; the second place was awarded to “RaícesAfricanas (African Roots),” of Guachupita, National District;and the winner of the first place was “Sangre Africana (African Blood),” of San Carlos, National District. In the Devilscategory, the winners were: the first place went to”Los Hijos de Grey (Grey’s Children),”of San Carlos, National District; the second place went to “Los Arácnidos (The Arachnids),”ofMiHogar, in Santo Domingo; and the third place went to “Los Leones(The Lions),”of Villa Maríain the National District. In the Fantasies category, the third place went to “Fantasías del mar (Sea fantasies),”of Boca Chica; the second place went to”Jardín de las Mariposas (Butterfly Garden),”by the Children’s Ballet, Alameda de Santo Domingo; and the first place went to “Los Astronautas (The Astronauts),” of Nizao. In the Alibabacategory, the winner of thethird place was”ImperioClásico (Classic Empire),”of Los Mina in Santo Domingo; the second place went to”Los Alibabáde Los Alcarrizos(The Alibabas of Los Alcarrizos),”of LosAlcarrizos in Santo Domingo Oeste; and the winner of the third place was “Los Arlequines(The Harlequins),”of Villa Duarte, Santo Domingo Este. The Grand Prizeof the 2013 Children’s Carnival went to Caballo de Troya (Trojan Horse) carnival group of Villa Francisca in the National District. In turn,in the Individual Category, the third place went to “El Duque de Las Vegas (The Duke of Las Vegas),”of the National District; the second place was awarded to “D Cuchara(D Spoon),”of Puerto Plata; and the first prize went to “El MagoMerlín (Merlin the Magician),”of the National District. Other awards: in the Traditional category,the third, second and first places, respectively, went to”MuestraCarnaval de Bonano (Festival Carnival of Bonao),”of Monsignor Nouel; “Los Brujos (The Sorcerers),” of San Juan de la Maguana; and “Muñecas sin Rostros (Dolls without Faces),”of Puerto Plata. In the Popular Creativity category, the third place went to”Los Centauros (The Centaurs),”of San Juan de la Maguana; the second place was for “Los Creativos y Añoranzas de unaÉpoca (The Creatives and Nostalgia of an Era),”of Santo Domingo; and the first place went to”La Gran Boda(The Big Wedding),” of San Francisco de Macoris. In the Historical category, the third place was for the “Los Bucaneros y los Filibusteros (The Buccaneers and Filibusters),” of Puerto Plata; the second place was awarded to”Los DemoniosdelJefe (The Boss’s Demons),”of San Juan de la Maguana, and the first place to “200 Veces Duarte (200 Times Duarte),” of Santo Domingo Este. In the Devils category, the winners were:”Los Diablos Bacaces (The Bacaces Devils),”of San Juan de la Maguana; and “Taimascaros,” of Puerto Plata. In the Mask category, the winners were Juan Luis Vargas, Puerto Plata; Manuel de Jesús Jiménez, Santiago; and ManasesInoa, Villa Juana. Other awards were in the Fantasy category for “Dr. Hielo (Dr. Ice),”of the National District; “Fantasía India (Indian Fantasy),”of Villa Consuelo, and “La Gran Comparsa de Fantasía (The Great Fantasy Carnival Group).” In the Alibabacategory, the third place went to “Villas Agrícolas y Su Gran Comparsa de Alibabá (Villas Agrícolas and their Great Alibaba Carnival Group),”of the National District; the second place was for “El Caballo de Troya (The Trojan Horse),”of the National District; and the first place went to”Reyes de CarnavalHomenaje a Alex Boutique (Carnival Kings’ Tribute to Alex Boutique),”of the National District.
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.