![]() | Ministries of Culture and Education present Dominican musical rhythms to the students of the Escuela Guardería Damas Diplomáticas The Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Education introduced the innovative educational program called “Encuentro Vivo de la escuela con los ritmosdominicanos(Living cultural encounters of schools with Dominican rhythms)” dedicated to the early childhood and basic education students of the child carecenterEscuelaGuarderíaDamasDiplomáticas, which is located in the Los Tres Brazos sector. Throughout the event, what prevailed in the atmosphere was the authenticity and cultural historical value of the various musical genres, which symbolize and identify the Dominican folklore and its artistic expressions. The event, which is part of an institutional agreement signed in 2012, was chaired by the Ministers of Education and Culture, Josefina Pimentel and José Antonio Rodríguez, respectively. They were accompanied by TeacherDanne Ruiz, Father José DíazMonción, Director of the child care center, and other directors of the establishment. Throughout the event, what prevailed in the atmosphere was the authenticity and cultural historical value of the various musical genres, which symbolize and identify the Dominican folklore and its artistic expressions. Students, faculty and administrative staff enjoyed and participated in the artistic presentation of the Grupo de Percusión de la EscuelaLibre El Carril de Haina(a Percussion group), the Grupo de DanzaEscuelaLibre de SabanaPerdida(a Dance group), as well as the driving beat of the music and the humor of the clowns. The event began with the interpretation of the National Anthem by the Music Band of theEscuelaLibre Monte de la Jagua, ofMoca.The blessing ceremony was performed by Father José Díaz Monción. The participation of the Choir, Dance and Flute groups of the EscuelaGuarderíaDamasDiplomáticas was also remarkable. The following officers also attended on behalf of the Ministry of Culture:Edis Sánchez, Director General of Folklore; Angel Mejía, Director of the SistemaNacional de EscuelasLibres(National Free Schools System); and TeacherSanty Rodríguez, Coordinator of the Music Department of the Free Schools. In his speech, Minister José Antonio Rodríguez said that “I am very pleased because I am a partner with the Ministry of Education in the implementation of this exciting school program ‘Encuentro Vivo de la escuela con los ritmosdominicanos(Living cultural encounters of schools with Dominican rhythms)’”. Rodríguez pointed out that to work with joy and dedication is the best way for social work toachieve positive results. In turn, the Minister of Education, Josefina Pimentel, expressed special gratitude toward José Antonio Rodríguez, for his presence in the educational event,which is taking place across the country, with the aim of encouraging the love and appreciation for the Dominican arts and culture within the student population. Teacher Danne Ruiz, Director of the school, received from the Ministers a donation in the form of percussion instruments, which shall be very useful during the students’ practice sessions. “The task of educating is beautiful and delicate, because through it we promote human development, which in turn provides the nation with the collective capacities it needs to achieve greater progress,” Pimentel said. She also reported that the implementation of the program responds to the requirementsof the current curriculum for the basic education level. Teacher Danne Ruiz, Director of the school, received from the Ministers a donation in the form of percussion instruments, which shall be very useful during the students’ practice sessions. Taking as a platform the various musical genres that identify the Dominican folklore, cultural managers Edis Sánchez and Cesar Nanumexplained to the students the dancing style that is used in the zapateo (tap dancing), the mangulina, carabiné, merengue, bachata, paseo and pambiche rhythms. In the same order of ideas, the Minister of Education said that thisinnovative schoolprogram has been implemented, since March 11, in the extended-day schools, with the objective of turning them into a space worthyof promoting education and culture. She explained that this project, which has been developed by the two Ministries, has had a positive impact on more than 10,000 students who have adopted the characteristics of the main dance rhythms ofthe Dominican culture. The extended school day project has also facilitatedpaying attentionto and promoting the artistic expressions and appreciation for the arts, sports and other types of knowledge, which,within the traditional schedule,were not possible to promote. In her remarks, Teacher DanneRuíz, Director of the school, welcomed the Ministers of Education and Culture andhighlighted the interest shown by them so that education in the country reaches a higher level of quality for the physical and intellectual development of the student population.
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.