![]() | Minister of Education Swears in 21 School Club Members In order to promotestudent leadershipandtrain students to be capable of developingtheir potential, values and talentsinsports and culturalareas, Minister of EducationJosefina Pimentelswore in21school clubsconsisting of students fromschools with extendedafter-school hours. “They also learn to work together and share with their peers their ideas, vision, tastes and interests. Each one contributes the best of him or herself so the club can function well and above all, acquire the support these clubs need on and off the school campusto carry out the activities they define,” … MinisterPimenteladministeredthe oathto the athletesin a ceremony inthe front courtofthe headquarters of theMinistryof Education(MINERD) where, in herkeynote address,she said theGeneral Education Law66-97defines school clubsas spacesthat allowchildren and young peopleto developtheir talents extensively. “They also learn to work together and share with their peers their ideas, vision, tastes and interests. Each one contributes the best of him or herself so the club can function well and above all, acquire the support these clubs need on and off the school campusto carry out the activities they define,” she said. The Ministerfelt thatin the school clubsstudents can developa multitude ofactivities in addition tothose includedin the curriculum,as well as other sports and recreational initiatives. “Moreover, inthe club you have a spaceand the time forchanneling activities that counteractidleness andthe loss of time in non-productive matters,” said theMinister of Education. Ms.Pimentelwas accompanied by National Institute of Physical Education (INEFI) Executive Director Ángel Danilo Mesa, Dominican Olympic Committee (COD) President Luis Mejía, andDeputy Sports MinisterSoterioRamírez, representing the head of the MinistryofSports,Jaime David Fernández Mirabal. Meanwhile, Mr. Mesastatedthat throughout thecountry 230clubshave been formedandthat this year’s goal is toreach 500. He stressed thateach clubhas its owndirectors consistingof students and alogothat identifies them. He added thatathletes will come from theserecreational spacesto participate intrainingat the Sports Initiation Centers (CIDE). “These clubs were needed so that schoolscould provideathletes for the nationalOlympic cycle as well as build bettermen and women withinnovativeideals who, from their schools,will cooperate to have abetterDominican Republicasenvisioned by theframersof our nation,” said Mesa. Meanwhile,COD presidentLuisínMejíaexpressed his satisfaction because onthis occasionMINERD’sfront court was usedto swear in21school clubs. “Using our front court for this project is fundamentally proper; for those who do not know or for those who want to understand but do not know, this activity in the schools is carried out by the Ministry of Education, through its agency INEFI and this great responsibility now falls on you, to each in his role,” stressed Mejía. During the ceremony, the Minister and the Director of INEFI delivered sports equipment to the school clubs sworn in and a commission of children from the George Arzeno Brugal Fey Alegría Education Center of Puerto Plata. Minister Pimentel gave the children bouquets. Among the clubss worn in were those from the schools of Magüey Las Uvas, Santa María de Batey, Café con Leche, San Pedro Apóstol, El Carmen, Villa Mercedes, Sotero Martínez, Maguana Abajo, Luis Reyes, La Cuaba, among others. Also accompanying the Minister of Education were INEFI Deputy Directors Nelson Jorge Acevedo and Ramón Celedonio, former major leaguer Cesarín Gerónimo, and Roberto Ramirez, president of the Dominican Federation of Clubs. Josefina Pimentel gives the oath to members of the school clubs. Accompanying them, from left to right, partially hidden, Vice-Minister of Sports Soterio Ramirez, INEFI Director Ángel Mesa, COD President Luisín Mejía, INEFI Deputy Director Nelson Acevedo, and Dominican Federation of Clubs President Roberto Ramirez. |
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.