![]() | Ecuador Captivates the Book Fair Santo Domingo with Its Cultural Wealth A little piece of Ecuador can be found in SantoDomingo,specificallyon the grounds oftheXVIInternational Book Fair2013. This branchofthe South American country condenses allthe peculiarities of adiverse and vigorous land. Ecuador is a country with one of the world’s most extensive floras, considered a UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve since 1989. Fromthe most deeply rooted Ecuadoriantraditionsto the mostsplendidbiodiversity; from the newartisanal creations to the traditional hand-woven hats made of straw; from the longest rivers to the fiercest volcanoes. Ecuador is a country with one of the world’s most extensive floras, considered a UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve since 1989. In addition, beneath its lands lies a huge amount ofcrude oil, not to mention the culturalaspectsthat arethe indelible stamp ofthis nation. Of the pavilions thatadornthis year’s IBF, without doubt, that of Ecuadorisundoubtedly among the ones with the most attractive displays. Inside Ecuador Crossing theportal thatenters littleEcuadorat the Fair, cultural diversity is obvious. The place is dividedinto five chambers: Heritage, Knowledge and Human Talent, Environment, Books and Literature, and Artsand Crafts. InHeritage,historical and culturalaspectsare promoted that forman intrinsic part ofEcuador. Weaving straw hatsis without a doubtmore than a tradition; it isan essential aspectthat allowsyou to meet artisanslikeBellaOrdoñe, a 42-year old woman with 30years of weaving straw. She representsa populationdedicated to preservingthis expression ofher people. In the Knowledge andHuman Talent chamber, the research aspectof the National Universityof Education stands out,withits specific goalto becomean international benchmark in a decade. The Environment chamber is where we see the mostattractive of this nation’s proposalswithan extensive display about its ecotourism activity. In the Books and Literature area works of the world’s writers converge, with a greater emphasis on Latinos. The literary diversity of the Ecuadorians is presented, plus dramatic arts and poetry. The lastspace is dedicated toArts andCrafts, aarea of great interest tovisitors. Handicrafts predominate with elements particular to Ecuador, especially those found in the hills and mountains. Encounter for cultural exchange Minister of Culture José Antonio Rodríguez, in a meeting held with his Ecuadorian counterpart, Erika Sylva Charvet, who is visiting the country because her nationis the guest ofhonorat this glorious event, said that the offerings of thisSouth American countryarevery strong, above all incultural andenvironmental aspects. Referring to the topics addressed by the two ministers in the meeting, he stated that“We talked about bilateral issuesof culture andexchangedviewsonart andpossible agreements, but first we must have discussions and then we can consolidatethe proposals.” For her part, Minister SylvaCharvetsaidthat the Ecuadorian governmentlaunched an international campaign in order to highlight and publicize their literary values, especially narrative and poetry aspects.
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.