![]() | International Book Fair 2013 Presents “Aquatic Continent” Concert, Conferences and Talks This Friday will be the fifth day of the XVI International Book FairSanto Domingo2013, with arich and varied cultural offering that will attractvaried audiences, among them the Aquatic Continent concert with Silvio Rodríguez (Cuba) Juan Carlos Pérez Soto (Venezuela), Fernando Osorio (Venezuela), and Dominican song writers Manuel Jiménez, José Antonio Rodríguez, Victor Victor and Pavel Núñez. The day will beginwith the dedicationofa streetto Dominican writerHomeroPumarol, whose poemshave appearedin several anthologies, among them the “Anthology of Latin American poetryof the XXI Century” .. The day will begin with the dedication of a streetto Dominican writer Homero Pumarol, whose poem shave appearedin several anthologies, among them the “Anthology of Latin American poetry of the XXI Century” (Siglo XXI Editores, Mexico, 1997) and “The poetry of the XX Century in the Dominican Republic. Essential Anthology (Editorial Visor, La Estafeta del Viento, Madrid, 2011). He is a founding member of the band of the spoken word El Hombrecito, which released an album entitled “Llegó El Hombrecito” in 2009. At that same time, in the Letras de MujerBarofthe National Theatre,a lecturewill be held on“The job of making song. Importance of the message in the song” by Manuel Jiménez. Also at 10:00 am will be apresentation by writer Fernando Cazón of Ecuador. Similarly, in the Museum of Natural History auditorium there will be a showing of the documentary “Juan Lora, the titan ofthe April 1965 revolution” by the Military Foundation Constitutionalists of April 24, 1965. Atthesame time, the play “Duarte, founder of a republic”will be presented in the SalaRavelo in the National Theatre by the Dominican Traveling Theatre, directed by Carlota Carretero. At 11:00, in theAídaBonelly de Díaz Hall of theNational Theatre at “The job of making song” space,“The music ofthe authors” will be addressed with lecturer José Mestre(Cuba-Spain). Similarly, in the Letras de Mujer Bar, as part of “The job of making song” program,the subject will be“Literaturein song” by singer José Antonio Rodríguez. At 2:00 pm in the Aída Bonelly de Díaz Hallthe topic“Musicof the authors” will be addressed by José Mestre(Cuba -Spain). At 2:00 pm in the Artisanal Village, a workshop will be given on “Crafting withwire” by the Associationof Persons with Physical-Motor Disabilities (ASODIFIMO in Spanish). Also at this time, butin the Museum ofModern Art auditorium, CicloEcuatorianowilloffer“Scenic reading withtextsfrom the bookStarting point-StoriesfromTradition by AndreaMorenoWray. At 2:00 pm in the Artisanal Village, a workshop will be given on “Crafting withwire” by the Associationof Persons with Physical-Motor Disabilities (ASODIFIMO in Spanish). This Fridayat 3:00pm, in the Museumof Modern Artauditorium,thebook The Collapse of Neoliberalism by Carlos Marquez will be launched. At that same time, in theDominican WritersPavilion, a conference on“Pedro Mir: There is a countryin the world… 64years later”will be held with Emmanuel Díaz Santiago as speaker. Similarly, at 3:00 pm in the Universities Hall of the National Library, there will be a conference on “Education on Values” by Bélgica Ramírez, former national and international president of AELAC. At 4:00pmthe play “Duarte, Founder of a Republic”will be presented in the SalaRavelo in the National Theatre by theDominicanTraveling Theatre, directed by Carlota Carretero. Meanwhile, in the auditoriumof the Museum ofNaturalHistory, aconferenceon “The Dominican Republic, an Island Countryandits Natural Heritage” will be held with AntonioMatarranzas speaker. This activity is organizedby the Ministry of the Environment. Similarly, the Panel “Cacibajaguaatthe Book Fair” will be heldinthe Museum of Modern Artauditorium with speakersPedro José Gris, Manuel Núñez, Tomás Castro and Antonio Guadalupe. Also in the Dominican WritersPavilion, the prominentPuerto Rican writerSheilaBarrioswill deliver a lecture on“Margarita andDominican novelwrittenin exile inPuerto Rico, in the 19th century.” Beginning at5:00 pm, theDominicanCinemathequewill offera workshop on screenwriting led by Colombian DianeLemez, with the production of CelinésToribioChersich, under the coordination of Carla Jovine with the collaboration of Rafael Báez and cosponsored bythe Caribbean Cinema. Continuing with the Ciclo Ecuatoriano, the magazine Malaidea will be made publicly available by Paola Sánchez Perugachi at 5:00pm,in the Museumof Modern Artauditorium. The theme of this issueis “Rightthinking.” The presentation of this, the most recent issue, is done with support from La Multitud. At the same time in the Dominican Writers Pavilion,the winning books of the 2012 Ultramar Literature Prize will be presented: “Music and Vertigo” by Daniel Baruch (poetry);“A Room Full of Eels” (novel); and “You Will Never be as Before” (story) by Rubén Sánchez. For poetry-lovers there will be a recital in the Poetry Pavilion entitled “Metapoetry”with young poets Karina Rieke, Jorge Piña, María Palitachi and Daniel Baruck. For poetry-lovers there will be a recital in the Poetry Pavilion entitled “Metapoetry”with young poets Karina Rieke, Jorge Piña, María Palitachi and Daniel Baruck. At 6:00 pm will be the opening ceremony of the Hilma Contreras Exhibition, showcasing the life and work of the Dominican narrator, to whom the XVI International Book Fair of Santo Domingo 2013 is dedicated. At this same time in the Museum of Modern Art auditorium, the Keynote Speech cycle continues with “Frontiers of Poetry” by Alfredo Fressia of Uruguay. Fressiais undoubtedly one of the most important poets of his country and Latin America. His award-winning work, which has been translated into several languages, includes titles such as: A blue skeleton and another agony (1973), Final nail (1982), Foreign news (1984), Forty poems (1989), Mobile frontier (1997), The future (1998) and Brazil (2012). Later, at 7:00 pm, the“Pedro Mir”exhibit in the Museum of Man will be inaugurated. And at 8:00 pm there will be a chat on“Dominican poetic discourse of the 20th century” by writers Odalís G. Pérez, Jimmy Sierra and Dionisio Blanco. At this same time, in the “Carlos Piantini”Hall of the National Theatre, will be one of the most anticipated concerts, Aquatic Continent with Silvio Rodríguez (Cuba), Juan Carlos Pérez Soto (Venezuela), Fernando Osorio (Venezuela), Manuel Jiménez, José Antonio Rodríguez, VíctorVíctor and Pavel Núñez. Similarly, cinema lovers may attend the Museum of Modern Art auditorium at the CicloEcuatorianoto enjoy the talk “Cinema and Crowd-funding” by Javier Andrade (Ecuador). Finally, at 8:00 pm, the Dominican Writers Pavilion will host the Latin American chat on “The novel as confessional (Is there any personal confession in novels?)” with Edmundo Paz Soldán (Bolivia), Alfonso Mateo-Sagasta (Spain), Rubén Sánchez (DR-US) and Angela Hernández of the Dominican Republic. |
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.