![]() | MINERD begins training Facilitators of Learning Centers, in the framework of the National Literacy Plan The Directorate General of Education of Young People and Adults of the Ministry of Education (MINERD) opened the first Training Workshop for Facilitators of Learning Centers, within the frameworkof the National Literacy Plan” Quisqueya aprende contigo (Quisqueya learns with you),” in which 112 graduates of the Salomé Ureña Higher Institute for Teacher Training (ISFODOSU) participate. In his opening remarks, the Deputy Director of the Directorate of Adult Education, Mr. Deolegario Tapia, indicated that facilitators are the people that will be closest to the literacy tutor and the latter to the adult person who is being taught. This event, which had the support of the Directorate General of Special Programs of the Presidency of the Republic, was intended forpeopleaspiring to become facilitators of the learning centersthat participated in the workshop to become acquainted with and take ownership of the institutional policies of the programthat the Government is implementing to bring literacy to 851,000 people, throughout the country. In his opening remarks, the Deputy Director of the Directorate of Adult Education, Mr. Deolegario Tapia, indicated that facilitators are the people that will be closest to the literacy tutor and the latter to the adult person who is being taught. He considered that the facilitators and the literacy tutorswill be responsible, to a great extent, for achieving the purposes and goals outlined in Decree 546-12, which establishes the National Literacy Plan and which declares of high national interest the literacy of persons 15 years and older. To support and encourage the literacy work in the Learning Centers, the technical team of the National Literacy Plan has decided to integrate the figure of the Facilitator of the Learning Centers. Each facilitator will be responsible for supporting 10 learning centers, and for maintaining permanent dialogue with the corresponding literacy tutors,” as established in one of the documents that were discussed in the workshop. Tapia said that, at the end of the workshop, which takes place in the Club deAduanasand which will close this Thursday,May 16, each participant will learn the policies of the Literacy Plan and the technical and pedagogical guidelines for providing literacy tutoring to young people and adults. “The main purpose of facilitating the literacy work in the learning centers is to supportthe literacy tutors; to facilitate their work;to motivatethe participants who fail to attend, in their homes; to make suggestions for improving the search for effective responses to the different needs that arise from the work the tutorscarry out; to organizeexchange meetings;and to encourage spaces for reflection that allow higher and better possibilities for learning,”adds the document. The topics that were covered in the workshop included the Basis of the “Plan Quisqueyaaprendecontigo,” Illiteracy and poverty and Profile of the young person and the adult. Technicians from the Directorate of Adults, Franklin Pimentel, BienvenidoAlmonte, Luz Delgado, SoraidaMatías, FaustaCéspedes, Quiley Peña and Isabel Gil, were in charge of the discussions. Meanwhile, the ISFODOSU team of facilitatorsconsists of Francisco Javier Ceballos, Director of the Alumni Unit; Teresa Bautista, National Director of Literacy, and Fátima Flores, Deputy Coordinator of Literacy. The participants are graduates from the ISFODOSU, of the campusesFélix EvaristoMejía and Eugenio María de Hostos, of Santo Domingo; Juan Vicente Moscoso, of San Pedro de Macorís; UraniaMontás, of San Juan de la Maguana; Emilio Prud’ Homme, of Santiago; and Luis Napoleón Núñez Molina, ofLicey al Medio, Santiago. |
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.