Larimar Surfing Championship 2013 to be held at Los Patos Beach Barahona, Dominican Republic, May 31 – June 1
The Dominican Surfing Federation (FEDOSURF) and the Tourism Cluster (Cluster Turistico Productivo) of the Province of Barahona invite all athlete surfers in the country to participate in the National Surf Circuit “LARIMAR SURFING CHAMPIONSHIP 2013” to be held at the beautiful beach of Los Patos in Barahona, on Friday May 31 and Saturday June 1.
Los Patos beach, located in the southeast of the island, is characterized by its warm blue waters, unique mountainous landscape and white stone beaches, and consistent waves in the spring and summer season.
Los Patos beach, located in the southeast of the island, is characterized by its warm blue waters, unique mountainous landscape and white stone beaches, and consistent waves in the spring and summer season. The event will award cash prizes, trophies and medals to the champions in various divisions (Surfing, Longboard, Bodyboard, SUP) involving high performance athletes from across the country. Mr. Nestor Puente, President of FEDOSURF expressed the importance of this tournament that “shows our love for this exciting sport, the magnificent surfing beaches of the Dominican Republic, and the opportunity to meet and enjoy the great attraction of Barahona “.
The ‘LARIMAR SURFING CHAMPIONSHIP 2013’ will feature event narration, music and entertainment in a festive family atmosphere, is free and open to the public, starting from 7am until 4pm. Athletes may compete in Surfboard and Bodyboard disciplines, which include the categories Open Surf (all ages), Junior (Under 18), Mini Junior (Under 16) and Mini Grom (Under 12). They may also compete in the Longboard discipline (Open category) and Stand Up Paddleboard (Open category), if conditions permit. In addition to the surfing championship, Los Patos beach will simultaneously host two other sporting events for all to enjoy; a paragliding competition, with more than 20 pilots participating, and a fishing contest for Lionfish, with 10 teams of local divers from Barahona province competing.
This activity is organized by the Dominican Surfing Federation and conducted jointly with the Tourism Cluster of Barahona Province, with the support and sponsorship of: Senator Eddy Matthew Vasquez, President of Provincial Council Barahona (CODEPROBA), the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the Ministry of Tourism (MITUR), the Electricity Generating Company Haina (Ege-Haina), the Dominican Tourism Competitiveness Consortium (CDTC), TURENLACES, Milk Rica, Central Sugar Corporation (CAC), INDUVECA , the city of Patos de Barahona, Water Everest, the South Surfing Association (ASDS), the Ministry of Sports (MIDEREC), Hotel Quemaito, the Dominican Olympic Committee (COD), International Surfing Association (ISA) and Pan American Surfing Association (PASA).
All competitors in the Larimar Surfing Championship will receive complimentary accommodation, food, and round trip transportation from Barahona center to Los Patos.
The Dominican Republic is located in the center of the Caribbean, with a great variety of beaches for surfing and conditions and waves for all levels, from the recreational surfer to the high-performance athlete in training.
To register for the event online, visit
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