Labor Ministry Clarifies its Role before the Eventual Modification of the Labor Code In a press release, the institution reported that the subject of modifying the Labor Code was put on the agenda of the Labor Advisory Councilwhen it metin January. They explained that this organization was created by Decree 47-99, presided over by the Ministry of Labor and composed of representatives from the Dominican Employers’ Confederation (COMPARDOM) and from the trade union sector (CNUS, CASSD and CNTD). The council has the responsibility of examining matters related to labor laws. They pointed out that this organization falls under conventions 144 and 150 of the International Labor Organization, which establishes that any initiative from the Executive Branch to modify labor laws must be discussed and agreed upon by officials from the Ministry and other sectors represented in the Advisory Council. Accordingly, they clarified that, by law, the Ministry of Labor is what must coordinate and direct any modification of the Labor Code before it is sent to the Legislative Branch. |
Las ultimas noticias/novedades de lo que acontece con los Dominicanos en las Grandes Ligas durante toda la temporada 2019.