![]() | Central American Officials Value MINERD’s School of Directors Project The merits of the initiative were viewed as a model to be replicated in the countries of Central America. The merits of the initiative were viewed as a model to be replicated in the countries of Central America. At the meeting Minister of EducationLic. Josefina Pimentelgave a presentation about the project, which is part of the National Teacher Training Institute (INAFOCAM), reporting on the creation, purpose, scope,progressand impact of theprogram, which is aimed atschool directors across the country. The Edcuation Ministerstressed that the purposeof the initiativeis to influenceschool principalsto create asense of belonging, witha focus onwhat is practical, allowing them to handlethe tools availableto them within theeducational system todevelop skills for leadership,which then results in animprovement in learning. She explained that theseven-module programis flexible;thedirectors meetonce a monthfor four daysanddevelopa training processdesignedfor16 hours ofclasses as well as workshopsand other means.The program respondsto atrainingmodelin line withthe requirements of theDominican education system. “Weare discovering that this way of workingwith directorsismore effective thanthe singletraining they receivein thetraditional way; it is an approach thatelevates, in a direct manner, theunderstanding of the roleplayed bydirectorsas leadersin the educational system,”the Ministerof Education said. She hopesthat by Decemberof this year, 1000school principalswill have been trainedin the program,which represents20%of allschool managersin the country. After herpresentation,participantscongratulated MinisterPimentelandthe MINERDteamworking onimplementingthe Schoolof Directors, and expressed their concerns and suggestions. The general secretary of theCECC/SICA, Maria EugeniaPaniagua, expressed interest in Central American countries sending educational representativesto learn more aboutthe program. “The best way to sharethis extraordinary experiencewith CentralAmerica is thatkey peoplein the fieldofmanagementcome to thecountry to fully understand theproject,” Paniagua said. Dr.GutbertoLeiva, Vice Minister of interculturaland bilingualeducation in Guatemala, said: “We applaudthis effortby the Dominican Republicteamled byJosefina,I see thatthis schoolis effectivebecause it ispromoted, integratedand driven byteachers; this is important, they are committed given that they areinvolved in the program’s development.” Minister of Education Pimentel was accompanied by Deputy Minister and EDCE coordinator Adarberto Martinez,and Dr. Julio LeonardoValeiron, director of the Dominican Institute for Research and Evaluation of Educational Quality (IDEICE). The presentation included a video testimonial of school principals who benefit from the program.
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.