Tax Administration Provides for Renewal of Vehicle Road Tax for Period October – December Including Installments Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic 06/27/2013
A study by the Tax Administration reveals that 60% of owners of motor vehicles will pay between RD$ 1,200 and RD$ 2,200 for vehicles with a value of RD$ 220,000 ??or less in the market.
The Internal Revenue Department today announced a series of measures to facilitate the payment of this Vehicle Road Tax (ICV REGISTRATION STICKER 2013), ranging from paying in the last quarter of the year,or with up to 3 installment payments during that period.
The Internal Revenue Department today announced a series of measures to facilitate the payment of this Vehicle Road Tax (ICV REGISTRATION STICKER 2013), ranging from paying in the last quarter of the year,or with up to 3 installment payments during that period.
Also, Internal Revenue issued a study on the impact that the tax in different sectors will have depending on the value of their vehicles, which shows that 60% of taxpayers will pay between RD $ 1,200 and RD$ 2,200 pesos.
This corresponds to the majority of Dominican vehicles whose market value does not exceed RD$ 220,000.?The study adds that 28.26% of the population owning vehicles will pay between $RD 2201and $RD 5,000. This rate applies to vehicles with values between RD$ 221,000 and RD$ 500,000 or less.
9.2% will pay between RD$ 5001 and RD$ 10,000 for the sticker, for those with vehicles which have a current market value that ranges from RD$ 500,000 and RD$1 million pesos. And 2% will be taxed from between RD$ 10,001 and RD$ 15,000 for those with vehicles whose market value is between RD$ 1.0 MM and RD$ 1.5 MM.
According to the study,only 0.80% of Dominicans needing to renew the sticker in 2013 have vehiclesworth more than RD$ 1.5 MM. Of these, 0.4% will pay between RD$ 15,001 and RD$ 20,000 for the 2013 sticker; 0.3% will pay between RD$ 20,001 and RD$ 30,000; 0.07% will pay between RD$ 30,001 and RD$ 40,000; and those owning vehicles with a market value greater than RD$ 4.0 MM will pay more than RD$ 40,000, representing 0.01% of the vehicles in need of renewal this year.
On Monday the Internal Revenue department published General Standard 03-2013, which established a series of administrative measures for implementation of the ICV sticker 2013, and in Article 5 which later established payment deadlines and other facilities for the fulfillment of that lien.
However,due to the interest shown bythepublic regardingthe nextapplication of the taxapproved bythe National Congress andpromulgated bythe Governmentlast November,and due to concerns expressed bysome sectors of thepublic about theextent of anegativeimpact of the tax measure,Internal Revenuedecided to issue its announcementof the installment payment plan toprovidefor peoplewith lessability to pay the tax.
Renewal ofICV-label 2013from October, November and December
The renewal dateof the vehicle tax will bethe last quarterof the year, or October, Novemberand December. This is outside theperiod of the beginning of the school year in the Dominican Republic, but in addition, the Internal Revenue department decided to establish the installment plan to facilitate paymentof the ICV, a mechanism similar to that used for payment of the Real EstateProperty Tax(IPI).
The procedures and tools to facilitate compliance in the scheduled period for the tax will be announced at an early date to begin the process of renewing the ICV sticker 2013.
Summany of the impact of the Vehicle Road Tax, as they were paid in 2013*

*Data provided by the Department of Motor Vehicles and Management of Technology for DGII June 2013
** Parking permits to be renewed this year is around one million vehicles.