The first Publisher of E-Books in the Dominican Republic is announced The first publisher of e-books – digital books – in the country, Luna Insomne Editores, a project of Poet and Editor Luis Reynaldo Pérez, announced its first book catalog, which will be available starting on Monday, July 22nd, to users of Kindle. This innovative cultural offer came as an alternative for writers who do not have support from the traditional publishers, and, especially, as a way of reaching more readers through the new technologies that are available, thus making it an attractive and modern proposal. “The main interest of Luna Insomne Editores is to disseminate contemporary poetry and narrative that represents an alternative that is different, both in form and content, from the canonical literature, using technology resources that will enable us to reach a new generation of readers,” Pérez stated while explaining the editorial’s proposal. The first edition consists of 10 books that are included in three collections, which have been named in honor of the works of three great Dominican writers, René del Risco, Miguel Alfonseca y Julio Vega Batlle: El viento frío [The cold wind] (poetry), Delicatessen (stories) and Anadel (short novel). The titles that are part of this first catalog are the books of poems Joda Poética Completa, by León Félix Batista, Viñetas ojepse, by Ricardo Cabrera, Para romper este silencio, by Deidamia Galán and Toda la luz, by Luis Reynaldo Pérez; the collections of stories: Los peces del subsuelo, by Alexéi Tellerías, winner of the award Cuento Alianza Cibañea 2009, Gastrocuento, by Daniela Cruz Gil, Cuentos para odiar al neoliberalismo, by Matías Cravero, Breve(r)dades, by Diana Zavala, and Brevísimos cuentos de espantos, by Vicente Pichardo; and the brief novel Otro día como ayer, by Jesús Paniagua. For more information or to purchase some of these e-books, please go to the publisher’s blog or to its page
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.