Show is dedicated to Nereyda Rodríguez The Popular Dancing Theater Foundation (Compañía Fundación Teatro Popular Danzante) dedicated the “Por ella, 33 Aniversario (For her, 33 Anniversary)” show presentation to its mentor, dance teacher Nereyda Rodríguez. The show took place in the Máximo Avilés Blonda Theater, at the Palace of Fine Arts, which is a dependency of the Ministry of Culture. More than 80 musicians, singers and dancers participated in the show with folk performances and choreographic pieces of neoclassical, contemporary and popular Afro dances, under the artistic direction of Senia Rodríguez and Alexander Duval. The audience gave a round of applause to the following pieces: La tumba, Machacó, the famous Carabiné, La jaiba, Danza Afro (Identidad y Tambores, Por ella) with choreography by Alexander Duval; the Neoclasical genre was represented by “Entre nos,” in which Duval himself performed together with Luis Pérez and Joel Céspedes. One of the pieces that was most applauded by the public was Bachata Creíste, with music by popular Bachata singer Antony Santos. On this occasion, the bongos were played by Abel Madera, Johansy Rodríguez, Danny Vicente and Juan Carlos Adames; and also El Junte, with the participation of performers from La Compañía. Dancers of the various groups showed very elegant dance steps and fine coordination of movements by dancing couples, which were highly appreciated by the audience. The Máximo Avilés Blonda Theater became too small for the attending public and people used the halls around it so as not to miss one moment of the show, which portrayed the history of music up to the traditional dances of different the generations of artists. Renowned dancer and teacher Nereyda Rodríguez passed away on October 1st, 2011, and left an important dance legacy after more than 50 years of work during which she promoted the national folklore. Many remember her for having formed, together with Mirito Arvelo, one of the most spectacular acrobatic dancing couples that the Dominican Republic has ever had. Referring to the show, Senia Rodríguez stated: “I feel more than proud for having been able to provide a show of this nature, with young people from the slums María Auxiliadora, Guachupita, La Ciénaga, Villa Mella, Capotillo, and Villa María, as well as performers from Compañía Fundación Teatro Popular Danzante.”
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.