GFDD/FUNGLODE to Participate in Upcoming Dominican Book Fair in New York The GFDD and FUNGLODE, will be participating in the 7th annual Dominican Book Fair at New York’s Boricua College (Manhattan campus) from September 27-29. The Foundations will be featuring some of their outstanding publications at the Book Fair, including the Dominican Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Environment; The Presence of Africa in the Caribbean, the Antilles and the United States; New Perspectives: Dominican Republic; Empowerment of Women in Democracies of Developing Countries: The Experience of the Dominican Woman and The Metro and it Impacts on Transportation System Integration in Santo Domingo, among others. Dominican Minister of Culture, José Antonio Rodríguez, will attend the Book Fair with a delegation of renowned Dominican writers such Andres L. Mateo who, along with Franklin Gutierrez, will offer a panel on the life and works of Ramon Marrero Aristy (1913-1959), acclaimed novelist, journalist and historian. Dominican poet, Basilio Belliard , who is also a GFDD and FUNGLODE collaborator, will also travel from the DR to talk about Dominican poetry. Some of the special guests invited by the Dominican Commission of Culture include Abril Troncoso, César Zapata, Eddy Mateo Vásquez, Efraín Marte, Felipe María Morel, Erasmo Lara and Xiomarita Pérez, among others. Now in its 7th year, the Dominican Book Fair in New York is an annual event that celebrates the literary contributions of Dominican authors, both in the Dominican Republic and the United States. The Book Fair is a celebration with music, theater, cinema, arts and crafts, paintings, dance and other cultural manifestations. As one of the most important cultural event of and by Dominicans living abroad, this year’s Book Fair will pay tribute to Dominican writers living in Illinois. Well-known writers Rafael Nuñez and Jochy Herrera will lead that delegation. Boricua College, Manhattan campus, is located at 3755 Broadway, New York, NY 10032. Jose Rafael Lantigua at Cervantes Institute Sept 26 Leading up to the Book Fair and as part of their “Dominican Get-Togethers in the Big Apple,” the GFDD in collaboration with FUNGLODE’s Revista Global and Dominican Commission of Culture, will be hosting the outstanding Dominican writer and cultural figure, Jose Rafael Lantigua, who will be speaking at the Cervantes Institute on September 26 from 6:00-9:00 pm. The evening – free of charge, all are welcome – will be an opportunity for the general public to meet this distinguished writer and former Dominican Minister of Culture, who has extensive political and literary experience both at the national and international levels. For more information: |
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.