The “Dominican Art Fair” is announced within the framework of the Fall edition of the Long Night of the Museums The Ministry of Culture and the Alcazar de Colón Museum will hold the “Dominican Art Fair” on Saturday, September 21st, within the framework of the Fall edition of the Long Night of the Museums. This fair will include workshops, exhibitions of various artistic disciplines such as performing arts, visual arts, applied arts, and music … This fair will include workshops, exhibitions of various artistic disciplines such as performing arts, visual arts, applied arts, and music, narrating the national history from their own perspectives, in a production of the Alcázar de Colón Museum, under the direction of Raysa Astacio. The Director explained that the overall goal of this event is to promote cultural heritage through artistic productions, creating a space for visiting, cultural education, and reflection. “Artisans, actors, poets, musicians, and dancers will participate, all with one purpose, which is to tell people the history of the country from our indigenous population, their relationships with the settlers, and their contribution to national identity for present and future generations,” Astacio said. “The Dominican Art Fair” will be held from9 am until midnight at the esplanade of the Alcázar de Colón Museum, where there will also be music bands, which are the result of artistic projects of the Ministry of Culture, and where several shows for the general public will also take place Local food from the various regions of the country will be available for sale, everything coming together on a stage design that’s how cases Dominican creativity with the use of indigenous elements in the facility. The crafts exhibition will remain open during the day and night, as well as activities and workshops for children. Theatrical productions of various groups and artists will start at noon, and there will be music and dance featured throughout the day until the closing of the event. |
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.