Dominicana Online » Noticias » DREFF’s ReCrearte Program Gains Momentum Across the Country

DREFF’s ReCrearte Program Gains Momentum Across the Country

DREFF’s ReCrearte Program Gains Momentum Across the Country

DREFF’s ReCrearte Program Gains Momentum Across the Country
Santo Domingo, September 26, 2013

The ReCrearte Program ( is an initiative that was launched by GFDD and FUNGLODE, following the success of the Recycled Art workshop that took place during the second edition of the Dominican Republic Environmental Film Festival (DREFF) in 2012.

The main objectives of ReCrearte Program are to raise awareness for environmental issues among Dominicans, whilst at the same time enhancing the protection of the planet and its natural resources through the promotion of the three golden rules of proper waste management, namely, the 3 R’s:  Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Via this system of proper waste management, the program seeks to empower women, youth and children by initiating a unique recycling scheme that can become a source of income and entrepreneurship for individuals and communities.

The program has gone from strength to strength and to date more than 20 art workshops have been held in four cities around the country, including Santo Domingo, Bani, Samana and Puerto Plata. Moreover, in May 2013, ReCrearte proudly launched its official website:

This success has continued throughout 2013, as it occupied a more central role during the III DREFF organized by GFDD & FUNGLODE on September 4-8. During the Festival, the ReCrearte program held a variety of activities in Santo Domingo which included workshops with Narciso Gonzalez Cultural Center, as well as Recycled Art Exhibits at Agora Mall and FUNGLODE art gallery.  The program was also proud to celebrate the graduation of 32 men and women from completing a full cycle of workshops. These are distinguished individuals who have gone on to produce their own crafts and are generating income through the sale of their art.

The program continues to draw attention from communities around the country, with many new centers signing up for future workshops, including:

  • September 26-27: Agora Mall, Santo Domingo for children and mothers;
  • September 30-October 7: Loyola School for a group of 15-20 students aged between 13-16 years old;
  • October 1-2: Biblioteca Infantil y Juvenil Republica Dominicana for a group of 80 women forming part of the Technological Community Centers  of the Dominican Republic;
  • October 5: INTEC University for a workshop aimed at future public sector teachers that are currently studying under the Master’s program.

To find out more, ReCrearte program and to take part in the above mentioned activities, please visit  and/or contact Bertha Santana, Program Coordinator:  at


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