![]() | The Museum of Man celebrates its 40th anniversary with the VI Luis A. Chanlatte Baik Congress With the aim of acquainting the public with new findings and research at various sites where there are still vestiges that are part of our tangible history, and in celebration of the 40th anniversary of its foundation, the Museum of the Dominican Man (MHD – Museo del Hombre Dominicano) will hold the “VI Luis A. Baik Chanlatte Congress of Anthropology and Archaeology.” This activity will take place from October 8 through the 12, and will feature a wide-ranging and varied program of activities. It will kick off on Tuesday, October 8, at 7:00 pm, with the opening of the exhibit “Unidad y diversidad en el Caribe amerindio. Una mirada al asentamiento arqueológico del El Cabo de San Rafael (Unity and Diversity in the Caribbean Amerindian. A look at the archaeological site of El Cabo de San Rafael).” Then, the VI Congress of Anthropology and Archaeology will open with the presentation of the new museum publications and will conclude with a performance of the musical group Drumayor. On Wednesday, October 9, the main discussions will center on the theme “La obra de Chanlate en la Arqueología Caribeña (Chanlatte’s work in Caribbean Archaeology).” Yvonne Narganes will be the moderator. The presentations will be held from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. On Wednesday, October 9, the main discussions will center on the theme “Chanlatte’s work in Caribbean Archaeology.” Yvonne Narganes will be the moderator. The second session will focus on Sociocultural Anthropology, and will be moderated by Virginia Roca. An exhibit of Dominican musical instruments, organized by the Vice Ministry of Creativity and Popular Participation and the National Directorate of Folklore, will be opened. And later, at 7:00 pm, the exhibit “Comentarios Rituales (Ritual Comments),” by Thimo Pimentel, will be opened. In addition, on Thursday, October 10, the main theme is “Ethnohistory,” by Fatima Portorreal. Then, the session on “Arte Rupestre (Rock Art)” will be coordinated by Jorge Ulloa. At 3:30 pm, Harold Olsen will lead the second part of “Rock Art and Physical Anthropology.” On Saturday, October 12, the Museum of the Dominican Man will celebrate its 40th anniversary and will pay tribute to its former directors. In addition, there will be a presentation of the Batey Athene de Azua group, a ball game at the Yuboa ceremonial square, an indigenous culinary tasting, and a performance of the Drumayor group. The cultural institution, an agency of the Ministry of Culture, is located in the Plaza de la Cultura Juan Pablo Duarte. The admission to these five days of cultural activities will be free of charge.
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.