![]() | Minister of Education Announces Curriculum Modification of Education Major in Dominican Universities The Minister of Education, Mr. Carlos Amarante Baret, announced that starting in January of 2014, the new high school graduates who begin undergraduate studies in Education at Dominican universities will do so with a new curriculum. Amarante Baret said that MINERD is discussing the appropriate content for the training of the future teachers of the country with the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology (MESCyT) and the universities. “We are the ones who will pay for the studies of our high school graduates who want to study Education; we will demand the kind of content that is to be taught to our teachers,” … “We are the ones who will pay for the studies of our high school graduates who want to study Education; we will demand the kind of content that is to be taught to our teachers,” said the Minister of Education. He noted that the teachers who are already in the system and who have only one shift, will receive training in their spare time through workshops and continuing education courses taught by the National Institute for the Education and Training of Teachers (INAFOCAM – Instituto Nacional de Formación y Capacitación del Magisterio) starting next year. The Minister indicated that MINERD seeks to overcome the shortcomings that the pupils have, especially in the areas of mathematics, natural sciences, and literacy, in order to provide quality education. The Minister called on parents to involve themselves in the public school programs because the issue is not to send their children to school, but to be aware of the performance of the teachers and the administrative management of the school, as the “school should be the center of the community.” He recalled that the President, Mr. Danilo Medina, has a commitment with the nation, and to that end, he has democratized the national budget, dedicating 4% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to education, which is around one billion pesos. Amarante Baret explained that the investment in education has focused on the implementation of the Extended School Day Program, on teacher training, and the construction of 10,000 classrooms that will be delivered to the national education system in December of this year. The official offered this information during a keynote speech he gave in the Auditorium of the Municipal Council of the Province of El Seybo, where he was joined by the former President of the Dominican Teachers Association (ADP) and Congressman, Mr. Radhamés Camacho; Senator Invonne Chahín Sasso; Congresswoman Kenya Mejía; the Provincial Governor, Jesús Rafael Mejía; the Director General of School Infrastructure, Omar Guevara; and the City Mayor, Geraldo Casanova, among other authorities of the municipality.
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.