![]() | Great News at the XXIX NÓSSIDE World Poetry Prize 2013: Three Overall Winning Poems EX-AEQUO (Written, Video, Music) The XXIX edition of the Nósside World Poetry Prize finally revealed the winners of this year’s contest. This is the final decision by the International Jury, after the period of time that was allowed for any statements in reference to Article 1 of the Prize Regulations. These results should be considered final and unappealable, and will be published in the Official Prize website www.nosside.org and on the Prize Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/premio.poesianosside. The countries with participating and winning poems are: Cuba, Peru, China, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Italy, Brazil, Argentina, among others. Each participated with its own particular language. “First of all, I would like to thank all the female and male poets for their participation in the XXIX Edition of the Nósside Prize, and confirm that the decision of the Jury was based on the poems that were presented by each contestant and not on their full body of work or on their full value,” announced Professor Pasquale Amato, President of the Nósside Prize. He also indicated that, for the first time in the history of the Prize, the highest recognition was subdivided into three overall winning poems, each belonging to one of the Prize multimedia categories: Written Poetry, Video Poetry, and Poetry in Music. Each of the authors will receive one of the three installments of €uro 700 of the total of €uro 2,100 (thanks to the €uro 100 that the Organizing Committee added). Each of the three authors will receive the amount contemplated in Article VIII of the Regulations for the Overall Winner. The same Article regulates all other aspects related to the Winners’ direct or indirect participation in the Closing Ceremony. It is important to highlight some numbers about the results, which speak for themselves and reinforce the multimedia identity and paint a clear picture not only of the world dimension of Nósside, but also of its consolidated multilingual identity. The 110 Prize-winning poems (out of 334 participants) belong to 37 countries (of the 70 that participated); and, 26 languages have Prize-winning works from among the 55 that participated. The countries with participating and winning poems are: Cuba, Peru, China, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Italy, Brazil, Argentina, among others. Each participated with its own particular language. Finally, the Grand Final Event of the Awards Ceremony will take place at the Theatre of the ReggioTV television channel, located at Campo Calabro in Reggio Calabria, on Friday, November 29th, at 18:00 hours (6:00 pm) and it will be broadcasted live.The Nósside World Poetry Prize is organized by the Studi Bosio Center, under the sponsorship of UNESCO. The project is conceived as a journey among the various cultures and languages of the world through the universal language of poetry. It is the only cultural project that is open to all the world’s languages.
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.