![]() | Teachers’ Paintings are on Exhibit by the National Institute of Teachers’ Welfare The National Institute of Teachers’ Welfare (INABIMA – Instituto Nacional de Bienestar Magisterial) opened the VI Exhibition of Paintings by the Web-surfing Teachers Club, including more than 30 works by teachers who devoted their time throughout the year to learning this art form. In her remarks during the opening ceremony, the General Executive Director of INABIMA, Ms. Maritza Rossi, expressed her pride regarding the fact that the exhibition took place and because it highlights the teachers’ talents. The exhibition of paintings, landscapes, still lives and portraits painted in oil and watercolor techniques is on display for a week at the Simon Bolivar Plaza, in Gazcue. In her remarks during the opening ceremony, the General Executive Director of INABIMA, Ms. Maritza Rossi, expressed her pride regarding the fact that the exhibition took place and because it highlights the teachers’ talents. “From an emotional point of view, we understand the need for programs such as these, in which the teachers and their families have the opportunity to develop art, not only to learn to appreciate the beauty, but also to produce it,” Rossi said. The Director of the INABIMA invited the exhibitors to continue their artistic performances and to motivate other teachers to join the classes on painting, languages, computers, crafts, music, executive secretariat, digital typing and theater, which the INABIMA Web-surfing Teachers Club offers. The works of the following teachers were on display: Ángela María Abreu, Milagros de Jesús, Milagros de los Santos, Teresa Lora, Marcia Lorenzo, Bernarda Piña, Ondina Rodríguez, Merlin Ozoria, Elixandra Núñez, Leydis Laura Mejía, Marianela Mejía Lama, María Estela Jiménez, Mariela González, Cristina García Santos and Miriam Peña, who received their certificates of recognition. Coralba Corniel Tejeda and Maricela Montes de Oca, from the Ministry of Education (MINERD), were recognized at the event. They were enrolled in the Executive Secretariat and the Digital Typing courses, respectively, through the INABIMA. INABIMA’s painting classes are taught by professional painters Miguel Gómez and Junior McCabe, through the INABIMA Web-surfing Teachers Club, which operates in the various service centers. The ceremony was also attended by Miguelina González, Coordinator of the INABIMA Web-surfing Teachers Club; Yolanda Marcelino, in charge of the INABIMA administration, as well as by employees from the institution. Hundreds of teachers have participated in the training, many of whom have continued their studies at more advanced levels at the National School of Fine Arts and at other schools in the country.
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.