GFDD and FUNGLODE Put in Circulation the Book: Dominican Republic: New Perspectives Almost 400 aerial images comprise this unprecedented work that offers a new perspective of the country highlighting all its facets. New York, November 27, 2007.- Transmitting to the world all the richness, diversity and historical heritage of the Dominican Republic through the pages of a book represents a challenging task. With out a doubt, the book, Dominican Republic: New Perspectives, a bilingual English-Spanish edition realized by Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) and Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (FUNGLODE), comes remarkably close to achieving this goal, revealing to the reader a country of innumerable facets, simultaneously celebrating its environment, history and people. The book, the result of arduous work carried-out by an international team of photographers, writers, researchers, designers, translators and editors has recently been put in circulation with the purpose of presenting the country in all its beauty and natural and cultural wealth to national and international audiences. This masterfully compiled 300 page edition contributes to fulfilling GFDD and FUNGLODE’s mission to promote the image of the Dominican Republic worldwide, disseminate information concerning the country and strengthen appreciation and respect for its patrimony and values. View the Book (Click to activate the Book) Little-Known Aspects The lens of French Photographer, Anne Casale, who has resided in the Dominican Republic for 20 years, has captured from the air aspects of the country that were, until now, unfamiliar even to a large number of Dominicans. “The book showcases the country in a new light – avoiding the reproduction of frequently used images,” articulate the editors. Dominican Republic: New Perspectives, comprised of 400 aerial images taken from a helicopter is divided in 9 chapters – Reflections of Light, Coasts, Heights, Plains, History, City, People, Tourism and Work – that contain text pertaining to various aspects of the country’s history, culture, environment and contemporary life. GFDD and FUNGLODE hope that this book will serve as a point of reference for the national population and the numerous Dominicans that reside outside of the country, as well as for foreign visitors, the nation’s commercial sector, students, art and photography aficionados and all those interested in developing a better understanding of the Dominican Republic. Beginning November 27, the book can be acquired from FUNGLODE Headquarters in Santo Domingo and GFDD’s offices in New York and Washington, DC. It may also be acquired online at: Those interested in obtaining a copy of the publication can contact: Arsenia Miranda, FUNGLODE or Kerry Stefancyk, GFDD Unexpected Occasions “Ideas are born in the most unexpected of occasions. The magic of a moment, a brief glance, a thought that sparkles in the mind imploring to be materialized. During a helicopter ride from Santo Domingo to Punta Cana, whose purpose was any other but to take aerial pictures of Dominican landscapes, we were overcome by the beauty that extended beneath our feet. The camera responded to this unexpected moment of grace with a series of images that sprung to life one after the other: sugar cane fields swaying under the breeze, waves crashing against the rugged sea coast. A dialogue between the Earth and the sky was established. Before we realized it, the idea for the book was born,” explains GFDD Executive Director and FUNGLODE Vice President, Natasha Despotovic, Creator and Editor of the project. “This trip led to many more and their spell is still vivid in our minds. We hope to convey at least partially the intensity of this magnificent experience and lead you to discover an unknown face of the Dominican Republic.” The realization of the book has been made possible thanks to work by Editor, Nathasha Despotovic; Photographer, Anne Casale; Designer, Claudia Saidon; Researcher and Writer, María Victoria Abreu; Translator, Mary Johnstone; and Coordination and Logistics Support Staff, Semiramis de Miranda, Asunción Sanz, Yamile Eusebio, Ramón Cruz and Danilo Pérez.
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Date of Publication : November 28, 2007 |
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.