![]() | Ministry of Culture Signs Inter-institutional Agreement with Microsoft Dominicana and Global Shapers Community The Dominican National Commission for UNESCO (CNDU), represented by the Ministry of Culture, signed an interesting inter-agency agreement with the companies Microsoft Dominicana and Global Shapers Community, which will allow the training of 323 teachers in the management of technological tools through the program called “Comunidad Digital” (Digital Community). The signing of this agreement, of an educational nature, will allow the training of teachers who are part of the network of Schools Associated to UNESCO-Dominican Republic. During the ceremony, which took place in the offices of Microsoft, the Minister of Culture, singer and songwriter José Antonio Rodríguez, signed the agreement together with representatives of the aforementioned companies, Mr. Jorge Cabeza, General Manager of Microsoft; and Mrs. Elina Gabriela Rosario Rodríguez, General Coordinator of Global Shapers Community. After signing the agreement, the Minister of Culture spoke about its importance in the sense that it will be implemented at a time when the country is in the midst of an educational revolution. Rodríguez cited as an example the implementation of literacy programs and added that without education and culture, the development of a nation is not possible. He stressed that the best efforts of Microsoft are reflected in its commitment to work and collaborate with the education of a country, and that in the Dominican Republic there is a world of talent. He also stressed the infinite ability of young talented Dominicans and cited the quality of the Dominican visual arts as an example. Elina Gabriela Rosario Rodríguez thanked the Ministry of Culture and Microsoft Dominicana for the opportunity to allow the participation of Global Shapers in the aforementioned project which will result in the training of teachers. The Dominican National Commission for UNESCO (CNDU), is a government agency that operates as part of the Ministry of Culture and acts as a forum for state entities and civil society to mobilize the participation of individuals and organizations of the Dominican Republic in the work of UNESCO in the areas of Education, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Culture, and Communication and Information. Microsoft, founded in 1975, is the world leader in software, services and solutions that help people and businesses develop their full potential. Global Shapers Community is a communications network that arose from a World Economic Forum initiative, with the objective of contributing to the development of communities from the contribution and leadership of exceptional young people because of their potential, preparation, and achievements.
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.