Dominicana Online » Noticias » More Than 200 Artisans Will Participate in the Sixth Annual Christmas Crafts Fair

More Than 200 Artisans Will Participate in the Sixth Annual Christmas Crafts Fair

Museo de las Casas

More Than 200 Artisans Will Participate in the Sixth Annual Christmas Crafts Fair

Around 200 Dominican artisans and craftspeople, from all around the country, will promote and sell their wares at the Sixth Annual Christmas Crafts Fair to be held December 7-9 in Columbus Park in the Colonial City of Santo Domingo. The year the fair is especially dedicated to artisans who have been awarded the Seal of Excellency from UNESCO: brother team Nelson and Marino Brito with their butterflies made from coconut shells, the carved Saints from the Bonao collective and Juan Puello’s roosters. 

Las mariposas de jícara de coco de los hermanos Nelson
Los Santos de Palo del colectivo de Bonao
Los gallos de Juan Puello

The fair will also host a Round Table discussion for Artisans in the Borgellá Palace. Various specialists will discuss and debate the possibility and potential of handcrafts as an industry.

As in the past, there will be an Artisans Competition where products, made with native materials, will be judged on their quality and originality.

The objective of the activity, organized by the Office of the First Lady and the Secretary of State for Culture, is to preserve the tradition of artists and handcrafts throughout the country and to contribute the economic development of small industry, according to a press statement released by both institutions.

With the collaboration of the Peace Corps of the United States Embassy and other important commercial institutions such as Brugal & Co. and Odebretch, a cultural program has been put together in which others will also participate. To name a few among many: Los Morenos of Villa Mella, Jerapega, the musical group of Yamasá and Mauricio Mercedes “Vale” and his Group.
In addition, workshops will be held in carving statues of saints from wood, fig trees and vegetable fibers. There will be presentations by Baton Ballet and the Interbarrial Musical Band. A video presentation about popular Dominican culture will also be shown.

See complete program (Spanish) >



Date of Publication: December 5, 2007

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