![]() | The Ministry of Education opens the IX International Model United Nations The Minister of Education, Carlos Amarante Baret, considered a privilege and a personally gratifying experience for Dominican students to participate in the International Model United Nations, because of the positive influence it will leave in the students’ personal development. The Minister of Education spoke in those terms as he opened the ninth edition of the International Model United Nations (MINUME 2014). The slogan “Educating for the Freedom to Think and Dream” follows the Government’s mission of overcoming illiteracy in the Dominican Republic. Over 700 young leaders from various schools across the country will participate in the event. It will take place on July 4th at the Sheraton Hotel in Santo Domingo, located at Ave. George Washington. The International Model United Nations is a simulation of the United Nations (UN) organization where delegates debate topics of international relevance. The Minister acknowledged that students participating in the MINUME are privileged within the national educational system since the model itself is part of the trend that seeks to provide better academic preparation. “I hope that many of you will be enthused with this activity, and that tomorrow, when you attend higher education, you will lean toward International Relations since they serve well the interests of the Dominican Republic”, the Minister said. Amarante Baret assured that diplomatic relations allow countries to become active agents in defining regional politics. He cited as an example the Punta Cana Declaration issued at the recent Summit of the Heads of State and Governments of the Central American Integration System (SICA), which took place in the Dominican Republic. Among the topics approved in the Summit are the development of the region and the Central American educational policies, which are in line with those that are being implemented by the current government. He pointed out that “a country cannot live only looking inwardly because this is a globalized world where international relations are fundamental to supporting the internal development of the countries and promoting international trade.” The MINUME 2014 is a place of opportunities for youth to be trained, and, as the Minister of Education has reiterated, the Model United Nations is an addition to the crucial educational transformation that the Government of President Danilo Medina is implementing. Enmanuel Santana, Coordinator of the Model United Nations at the Ministry of Education (MINERD) and Chair of the event’s organizing team, said that the MINUME simulates the Security Council within a historical context with the topic of “the Caribbean Crisis of 1962.” Meanwhile, the Director of the United Nations Information Center for Mexico, Cuba and the Dominican Republic (CINU), Juan Miguel Diez, said that there are few countries that, like the Dominican Republic, have integrated the Model United Nations into their public education systems. He defined the Model United Nations as an excellent teaching instrument, by nature an educational tool, and stated that students who have participated in the past are now part of the Dominican consular service or are members of private enterprises. They are part of the country’s moving force and are the best witnesses of the realities of the system. “We encourage them to join forces, to become agents for change and to stimulate tolerance, understanding and respect. Every day, this organization strengthens peace building and maintenance, preventative diplomacy, and the development of tools for justice and strategic responsibility”, said Diez referring to the United Nations’ Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon’s letter directed to all participants. During this activity, the Director of Special Programs of the Presidency, Pedro Luis Castellanos, received a recognition from Minister Amarante Baret and the organizers, on behalf of the President of the Dominican Republic Danilo Medina, for the “Quisqueya Learns with You” National Literacy Plan. Other participants in this event included the Deputy Minister of Technical and Educational Affairs from the Ministry of Education, Luis Enrique Matos; representatives from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), and the Secretary General of the MINUME 2014, Julia Ramírez, who brought down her gavel to declare the debate open. The Event It is part of the MINERD’s impact programs. It is presided over by Ligia Henriquez, and aims, among other things, to encourage leadership, develop critical thinking, the interdependence of ideas, and the implementation of dialogue and diplomacy, as viable ways to finding solutions to conflicts. Its most important mission is to be a highly professional Model United Nations that provides those participating in it an opportunity to develop and maximize their abilities, attitudes and values that will drive them to become leaders and agents of change in the development of their communities. Attendees are offered an enriching experience that will not only develop their speaking, research, negotiation and writing skills, but they also will have the opportunity of sharing with people with similar interests and concerns, to ultimately create relationships that can produce an impact in their personal and professional future. For each edition, the organizing committee elects someone with high leadership skills and a prevailing spirit. This year, Julia Ramírez, from the province of San Juan de la Maguana, was elected. She has participated in the Model United Nations since she started volunteering officially in 2008, and since that time she has contributed to the diplomatic development of others. There will also be a simulation of the United Nations Education, Science and Culture Organization (UNESCO). Topics to be covered are: The Building of a Knowledge Society and The Cultural Heritages. At the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) simulation the following topics will be discussed: The Rights of Noncitizens, The Situation of Refugees Around the World, and Missing Persons. In addition, other important UN committees and regional bodies that will also be represented are: the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), the Community of Latin-American and Caribbean States (CELAC), the Arab League, the International Court of Justice, and the United Nations General Assembly. Issues to be discussed include international security, human rights, climate change, governance, food crisis, and another 40 topics from the international agenda. Students will also be part of a program of activities that includes discussions with national and international experts, cultural get-togethers and participation in the “Proclamación por la Superación del Analfabetismo” (Proclamation Toward Overcoming Illiteracy). The Dominican Republic has been internationally recognized for being a pioneer in the implementation of the Model United Nations due to its experience with public and private education centers, as is the case with the MINUME, since the event receives support from local and international agencies.
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.