The Documentary ¿Garbage or Resource? A Dominican Republic Experience Can Be Seen Online on GFDD’s Channel Washington, January 21, 2015
Following its successful screening in 13 international festivals, ¿Garbage or Resource? A Dominican Republic Experience is now available online for free at Global Foundation for Democracy and Development’s (GFDD) Youtube Channel. The 17-minute documentary, produced by Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) and Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (Funglode), is one of its kind in its genre in the country, that shows us how recycling has become a significant economic opportunity for Dominicans. Through various business and educational projects, the viewer learns how, besides the obvious benefit to the environment, recycling brings economic development through the creation of new businesses and industries.
“It is a film that inspires, moves and calls to action,” explains the Director of GFDD and Director of the short film, Natasha Despotovic. “Now – she continues – the message is clear: trash is no longer just trash and it has a value. As long as trash can be utilized it is not trash. The proper term is waste, a resource that is raw material first and then it can be turned into a new product.”
Following their goal of raising awareness and deepening the understanding of environmental issues among Dominican audiences, GFDD and the Dominican Republic Environmental Film Festival (DREFF) are making the film available to the public, free of charge, with a view to promoting discussion and inspiring people to action through its screening at conferences, schools, universities and communities, not only in the Dominican Republic but worldwide.
Last December, Garbage or Resource? A Dominican Republic Experience won its third international award, the Award for Best Documentary at the Miami Short Film Festival (MSFF), after receiving the Award for Best Documentary at the Green Lens Environmental Film Festival 2014, and the Second Place of the Fan Coral Award 2014 at the Reef Renaissance Film Festival. In total, this short film has participated in 13 official competitions at international film festivals around the world.
This project is part of the Dominican Republic Environmental Film Festival (DREFF) and its Short Film Production program. This year, the fifth edition of DREFF will take place from September 8th to the 13th in 14 cities throughout the Dominican Republic.
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