The Children and Youth Library Announces 2nd Literary Bottles Competition Santo Domingo, February 6th, 2015
With a view to promoting literature and good environmental practices, the Office of the Vice President of the Republic and the Dominican Republic Children and Youth Library (BIJRD), have organized the second edition of the National Literary Bottles Competition 2015, sponsored by Bepensa and Coca Cola.
Through the creation of works of arts from waste materials, as an alternative that promotes and protects the environment, the competition aims to develop environmental awareness.
The Director of the BIJRD, writer Dulce Elvira de los Santos explained the rules of the competition and said that young people will have the opportunity to convert waste into art, using their creativity, imagination and fantasy.
She said that the originality of their work will be taken into account, and urged them to create new articles and avoid reproducing what others have already done.
Six prizes will be awarded. The first place will receive RD$100,000, the second place RD$75,000, and the third place RD$50,000. In addition, three honorable mentions of RD$25,000 each will also be awarded.
Students in the third and fourth year of high school, from public and private schools, who are involved in activities related to their graduation, may participate. Entries must be made through the BIJRD portal at: www.bijrd.gob.do.
Students representing their classes should, as a first step, pick-up three literary bottles at the Children and Youth Library. They need to read one of the texts participating in the competition and then create an artistic composition based on the story or poem they read.
A jury of experts will evaluate the works submitted, taking into account their creativity, originality and the connection between the text and the artwork.
In turn, Bepensa Dominicana’s Director of Corporate Affairs, Juan Roberto Amell Llibre, stressed the company’s commitment with environmental protection and education.
“Competitions such as the Literary Bottles are important for our youth to practice recycling and make reading a constant habit in their lives,” said the representative of Bepensa Dominicana.
Meanwhile, the jury representative, Mr. Miguel Khoury, emphasized that all participants must read and study the properties of the materials, including how things work, projects, and their background, among other things.
“Competitions such as this one are the fuel that kicks off the engine of creativity, so that they can produce amazing results that fill them with satisfaction and pride for participating, considering that the most important thing is not to stop here and to continue working towards the preservation of our home we call Earth,” he stressed.
All works received will be promoted through BIJRD’s social networks so that they can compete for 30% of the votes from the public, which those artistic compositions that receive more “Likes” will be awarded.
The competition will end on March 26. Those interested in participating should call 809-685-4276 or go to the BIJRD, which is located on Calle Dr. Delgado esquina Francia, for more information.
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