Japanese Film Series at the Film Library Santo Domingo, March 16th, 2015
The Embassy of Japan, in collaboration with the Japan Foundation, the General Directorate of Cinema and its unit the Dominican Film Library, and with the support of Vinícola Norte, will present the Japanese Film Series with the screening of the film “The Chef of South Polar”, by director Shuichi Okita. The opening of the series will take place on Thursday, March 19, at 7:00 pm at the Dominican Film Library of Plaza de la Cultura in Gazcue.
During the week between March 19 and 25, six Japanese film comedies, animé and drama for the entire family will be screened, where the feel and appreciation of the Japanese culture when confronting life’s diverse circumstances is exposed.
The Chef of South Polar tells the story of the Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition outlined from the chef’s point of view. Despite the adverse weather conditions, the chef must strive to keep a variety on the menu for the entire team. This film has been nominated for the most prestigious awards of the Japanese film industry.
This presentation takes place within the framework of the Eightieth Anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and Central America; therefore, it has been declared the “Year of Japan-SICA Friendship 2015”.
Admission is free.
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