DGCINE Convokes Third Project Development Laboratory Santo Domingo, March 16th, 2015
The General Directorate of Cinema (DGCINE), in coordination with the Ibermedia program and the Global Multimedia Institute (IGM) invites producers and filmmakers to participate in the 3rd Project Development Laboratory, which will run on April 7-21, from 9 am to 6 pm.
These three non-profit institutions propose that projects be optimized and enhanced by academic experience so they can be presented to various public and private donors. The purpose of this call is to contribute to the training and specialization of local industry filmmakers.
Another objective of the Laboratory is to teach and encourage the creative process of an audiovisual work, from the conception of the idea, the writing of the story and the financing strategies, to the distribution and exhibition, as well as to teach the workflow during the development stage of an audiovisual project.
The requirements to participate in the Laboratory are to have a film project in development that has at least one producer and one screenwriter. Another requirement is to present a long synopsis, plot or script, general budget, financing plan, and the resumé of the producer or director. According to the information that has been provided, a maximum of twelve projects will be admitted and thus all requirements should be sent to the following e-mail address: capacitacion@dgcine.gob.do
The program will be taught by Tanya Valette, seventh Director of the International School of Film and Television of San Antonio de los Baños, first graduate to preside the institution, and Advisor to DGCINE (Dominican Republic); and Zuri Fermín, Coordinator of Development and Training of the Ibermedia program.
Academic Team of the Third Project Development Laboratory Tanya Valette December 1962, Dominican Republic She belongs to the first generation of graduates of the International School of Film and Television in San Antonio de los Baños, Cuba. She lived in France for twelve years, where she continued her screenwriting studies and started in documentaries.
Upon her return to the Dominican Republic and to date, she has been dedicated to the writing and analysis of fiction and documentary scripts and has taught screenwriting workshops in several public and private institutions. She is the Project Director of Educational Television at the Ministry of Education and responsible for development strategies at the National Directorate of Cinema of the Dominican Republic.
She worked together with a multidisciplinary team appointed by the Presidency of the Republic, in developing the current Film Law. She is the seventh Director of EICTV and the first graduate to preside the institution. In 2011 she received the Medal of Cultural Personality from the Ministry of Culture of the Dominican Republic, which is awarded to the most outstanding Dominicans in the cultural area abroad. She also received the Distinction of the National Culture of Cuba, in April, 2012.
She is the Executive Producer of the Documentary Series Ser un Ser Humano “Being a Human Being”, made by documentary students of seven film schools around the world. She is currently Advisor at DGCINE, curator and coordinator of meetings and workshops for various institutions and festivals around the world. Since the late 90s and to date, she has been an audiovisual projects consultant and cultural manager.
Zuri Fermín Development and Training Coordinator at Ibermedia. Zuri Fermín is Venezuelan and has been residing in Spain for over 15 years. She works for the Ibermedia Program, a financial cooperation fund for the consolidation of the Latin American film and audiovisual industry. As part of the Technical Unit Program, based in Madrid, she has undertaken various responsibilities: organizing meetings, film festivals, technical advising, and the coordination of the film archives project, among others. She currently coordinates the two aid modalities: Development of film and television projects.
She has worked for various public and private institutions in Venezuela: Ethnomusicology and Folklore Foundation, Banco del Libro, National Council for Culture (the current Ministry of Culture). In Spain she has worked at the Association for Research and Latin American Studies and the Hispanic Brazilian Cultural Foundation in Spain.
She graduated in International Studies from Florida International University FIU (USA), degree recognized by the Central University of Venezuela. She has a Master’s degree in International Cooperation (Complutense University of Madrid) and a Master’s degree in Management and Cultural Policy (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya).
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