![]() | Guloya Returns with its Teatro Chiquito Season Santo Domingo, Jun 2 2015 This summer, the Guloya Theatre brings us its eighth season of “Teatro Chiquito 2015”, an event that the entire family will enjoy, with entertainment that will please adults and children alike. It will take place between June 6 and July 26. For 8 weekends, this eighth edition, organized by the Guloya Theatre, will offer us a variety of performances of theater, magic, storytelling and puppets, with presentations on Saturdays and Sundays at 5:30 pm. In June, the family will have the opportunity to enjoy the following plays: “Platero y Yo”, by the Guloya Theatre; “Tres historias divertidas”, by the Guloya Children’s Workshop; “El Medico a Palos”, a version of Moliere’s work, by the Guloya Youth Workshop, and from Washington the Teatro de la Luna group will participate with the play “Sanos y Contentos”. In July, the program continues with the play “Ana y la Luna”, by Teatro Divergente; “Cuentos con olor a mar”, by Teatro Sonrisitas; “Chiqui Magia para todos”, by Vangelis The Illusionist, and from Santiago the Tarteum Teatro group closes the season with the play “La ratita presumida”. Take this opportunity to introduce your children to the wonderful and magical world of theater with these eight plays, where they will have fun and learn great values such as honesty, healthy living, the value of friendship, and to care and respect for the environment, among others. Teatro Chiquito will take place every Saturday and Sunday at 5:30 pm at the headquarters of the Guloya Theatre, located on calle Arzobispo Portes #205, Colonial City. General admission is RD$200.00 per person; admission for children under two is free. For more information, please call 809-685-4856 or e-mail us at teatroguloya@yahoo.com. We are on Facebook: Guloya Teatro, Twitter: TeatroGULOYA, and Instagram: Guloya Teatro. Photos |
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.