Latin American Network of Educational Portals Technical Meeting in Santo Domingo
The inauguration of the first annual technical meeting of the Red Latinoamericana de Portales Educativos (RELPE – Latin American Network of Educational Portals) took place today in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. The forum was sponsored by the Dominican Ministry of Education, with support from Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) and Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (FUNGLODE).
RELPE is comprised of autonomous, national and public educational portals designed for the ministries of education of each country. The Latin American Network of Educational Portals was established in August 2004 in Santiago, Chile, through an agreement instituted by the educational ministries of sixteen Latin American countries.
RELPE members will hold meetings today until Thursday during the third edition of Virtual Educa Caribe taking place at FUNGLODE Headquarters. During the inaugural act, Dominican Minister of Education, Ligia Amado Melo, gave the opening remarks.
RELPE is comprised of autonomous, national and public educational portals designed for the ministries of education of each country.