Dominicana Online » Noticias » Morrison and Mármol Participate in First International Poetry Festival in Puerto Rico

Morrison and Mármol Participate in First International Poetry Festival in Puerto Rico

Morrison and Mármol Participate in First International Poetry Festival in Puerto Rico

Dominican poets Mateo Morrison and José Mármol will represent the Dominican Republic at the First International Poetry Festival of Puerto Rico being held at the Inter-American University’s Metropolitan Campus between March 24-29. The event is dedicated to poet Juan Antonio Corretjer on the centennial of his birth.

Puerto Rican poets participating in the event include Guillermo Gutiérrez, Loreina Santos Silva, Lillian Pérez Marchand…

Works by Mateo Morrison, current Executive Secretary of the National Council on Culture, include his recent literary productions: “Spasms in the night” (poetry) and his novel “A Silence that Walks”. Mármol, TV producer and director, will present “Conversations in the Cathedral.”

Puerto Rican poets participating in the event include Guillermo Gutiérrez, Loreina Santos Silva, Lillian Pérez Marchand, José María Lima, Ramón Felipe Medina, Antonio Rosario Quiles, Hamid Galib, Antonio Cabán Vale and Carlos Estaban Cana, among others.

Date of Publication: March 25, 2008

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