Consul General in Chile Honored with Duarte, Sanchez and Mella Award Dominican President Leonel Fernández, conferred upon his Excellency Mario Agliati Valenzuela the Highest Honor of the Duarte, Sánchez and Mella Merit Award. Mr. Agliati Valenzuela is the Honorary Consul General from the Dominican Republic in Chile. President Fernández bestowed this award on Mr. Agliati Valenzuela, taking into account his extraordinary achievements and worthiness based on Law #1113, promulgated on May 26, 1936, creating the Order of Duarte, Sánchez and Mella Merit Award.
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Date of Publcation: June 28, 2008 |
Las ultimas noticias/novedades de lo que acontece con los Dominicanos en las Grandes Ligas durante toda la temporada 2019.