Santo Domingo, December 19, 2019 – The Dominican Republic’s Children and
Youth Library (BIJRD) closed the year with a program packed with cultural
activities, as well as workshops, special literary events, festivals, exhibits and
contests that promoted reading and other creative activities.
The play “You Are Special” was the Library’s end-of-the-year big event, ushering in
the Christmas season. The special celebration was sponsored and headed by the
country’s Vice President. Dr. Margarita Cedeño, who during this time of year offers
the special Christmas activity with the goal of encouraging family integration, and
promoting love and goodwill among all.
“In life you can be what you want to be. Live life one day at a time. Don’t set limits
on yourself. Your dreams are waiting to become a reality. Don’t leave your
important decisions up in the air. Work to reach the top and your specific goals.
Don’t forget, not for one day, how special you are,” was part of the message
delivered to the more than 500 children and youngsters who attended the event.
The Christmas season was fully represented by the BIJRD Youth Theater Group
who, under the direction of actress Indiana Brito, showed their incredible talent by
interpreting the tiny Wemmicks, people made of wood by Eli, a local artisan, who
lived in a beautiful villa.
It is an inspiring children’s story, but with a special message to adults. The overall
message delivered is that we should all respect and value our personal goals.
This year the BIJRD celebrated its 10th anniversary. Since it opened it has received
approximately 1.5 million visitors and celebrated 83,828 reading-related activities.
Center Director Dulce Elvira de los Santos highlighted that in 2019 the Library
received students from 414 schools, 106 personalities – including writers, artists and
other cultural representatives. The Center also held 61 workshops and 247 activities
to encourage reading among children and youth.
“Our most important goal has been to reach, on a daily basis, dozens of children,
youth and their families. They come to the Library to share in the various reading
spaces we have to offer. This has been our major goal during the past 10 years. We
thank you for confiding in us,” expressed Director de los Santos.
Before the event, the Library recognized the work carried out by various children
and youth who continuously use and attend the events carried out by the Library.
This year, the awards were issued to Jeffrey Miguel Lora Pérez, a permanent visitor
to the Library’s Hall of the Imagination; Yailet Yulimar Lachapel, from the Reading
Hall for Boys and Girls; and Nashla Cristal Lima Batista, from the My Space Hall,
The play was presented the last weekend before Christmas.
Youth Theater Group
The BIJRD Youth Theater Group plays an active part in the Library’s youth
program. The group is headed by actress and director Indiana Brito, who since 2007
has been an important member of the Ministry of Culture’s Theater Group.
Actress Indiana Brito studied theater in the country’s National Drama School. She
has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Linguistics and Literature, and a Masters in
Literature. She has been nominated to the country’s top theater awards (2006) for
her performance in the play “Hey, Hey, on the Third Day” (non-official English
translation) and winner of the Best Director Award 2019 for the play “August.”
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.