Orquesta Sinfónica Juvenil se muestra renovada durante tres conciertos en el Teatro Nacional
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Santo Domingo, February 19, 2019 – The Office of the Vice President of the Republic and the Children and Youth Library of the Dominican Republic (BIJRD), with the sponsorship of Bepensa Dominicana and Coca Cola, announce the sixth annual National Literary Bottles Contest 2019. The goal of this initiative is to awaken the love for … Continue reading "Office of the Vice President Announces Sixth “Literary Bottles” Contest to Encourage Reading Among Youth and Environmental Awareness"
Santo Domingo, February 18, 2019 – The International Foundation of Women Poets (MPI) Inc. – in association with the brand Grito de Mujer®, the Circulo de Escritores Escalera de Papel (La Romana Province), and the Provincial Cultural Directorate (Montecristi Province), cordially invite all those interested in participating in the celebration in the Dominican Republic of … Continue reading "Foundation of Women Poets Announce “Cry of DR Women 2019: I Cry for Me!"
Santo Domingo, February 13, 2019 – Distinguished Dominican movie actors Frank Perozo and Nashla Bogaert were officially crowned as the King and Queens of the National Carnival Parade 2019 during a well-attended reception headed by the Dominican Minister of Culture, Architect Eduardo Selman. During the event, held at the National Palace of Fine Arts, Festival … Continue reading "Dominican Actors Frank Perozo and Nashla Bogaert Named King and Queen of National Carnival Parade 2019"
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Santo Domingo, February 8, 2019 – With the objective of promoting human values and strengthen sound moral, ethical and spiritual practices in Dominican society, the Office of the Vice President announced the “First National ‘Good for You’ Photography Contest: Your Values Help Build a Better Nation.” Professional and amateur photographers may participate in the upcoming … Continue reading "Office of the Vice President Announces Photography Contest Based on National Values Campaign"
The upcoming 13th FCGD Festival will be held from January 29 through February 5, 2020. The Festival will be dedicated to Spain. Santo Domingo, February 7, 2019 – The Peruvian film Wiñaypacha, the first production filmed entirely in the aimara language, won the Best Feature Film debut in the Fiction Category during the 12th Dominican … Continue reading "12th Dominican Global Film Festival (FCGD) Announces Winners During Closing Ceremony"
Santo Domingo, February 5, 2019 – Young people who have a passion and interest in reading through the YouTube platform, will now be able to fully enjoy this form of entertainment during the Second International Meeting of International Booktubers 2019, an event organized by the Office of the Vice President of the Republic and the … Continue reading "Office of the Vice President Will Celebrate Second Meeting of International Booktubers 2019"
Ambassador Pedro Vergés recently met with a group of Dominican students who are currently studying in various Canadian universities in the city of Ottawa. This initiative hopes to encourage closer ties between the students and the Dominican Embassy in Canada. The goal is to establish cooperation channels between the students and the diplomatic mission, during … Continue reading "Dominican Ambassador Pedro Vergés Meets With Dominican Students Studying in Canadian Universities"
Santo Domingo, February 1, 2019 – The Dominican Republic’s Ministry of Culture recently announced that its Carnival Office has received information from approximately 40 cities from all over the country that are currently giving the final touches to their Carnival celebrations. All scheduled events will take place during February and March. Dominican carnival reaches its … Continue reading "Ministry of Culture Announces 40 Dominican Cities Will Hold Carnival Celebrations"
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