Orquesta Sinfónica Juvenil se muestra renovada durante tres conciertos en el Teatro Nacional
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The Fifth Bi-annual 2014 Conference of the Dominican Studies Association “Making a Difference…”Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, 10/24/2013 Naugatuck Valley Community College, the CUNY Dominican Studies Institute (CUNY DSI), the Office of Community Relations, Hostos Community College &the Latino Artist Round Table (LART): The fifth bi-annual interdisciplinary conference of the Dominican Studies Association (DSA) welcomes the … Continue reading "The Fifth Bi-annual 2014 Conference of the Dominican Studies Association “Making a Difference…”"
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Cluster and FOMIN show new ways of enjoying Puerto Plata during the fairPuerto Plata, Dominican Republic, 10/22/2013 Puerto Plata is living its finest moment; the unification of the sector stakeholders, together with the sustained efforts of local institutions, international organizations and the Dominican government, have resulted in a remarkable transformation, with which it intends to … Continue reading "Cluster and FOMIN show new ways of enjoying Puerto Plata during the fair"
CONIAF delegation visits the University of Puerto RicoSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic, 10/21/2013 Deserving young Dominicans were welcomed into the Master’s degree and PhD programs, in order for the country to have professionals capable of taking over and successfully facing the current and future challenges in the agricultural sector. The Generational Succession Program of the National … Continue reading "CONIAF delegation visits the University of Puerto Rico"
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