Orquesta Sinfónica Juvenil se muestra renovada durante tres conciertos en el Teatro Nacional
The State Budget Dining Rooms and the UASD announce project to identify illiterates Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, 07/18/13 T he State Budget Dining Rooms (Comedores Económicos del Estado) and the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD), Campus Santiago, after signing an agreement, have joined the national commitment to eradicate illiteracy through an illiterate identification project that … Continue reading "The State Budget Dining Rooms and the UASD announce project to identify illiterates"
Jury for 27th National Visual Arts Biennial 2013 AnnouncedSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic 7/17/2013 The Ministry of Culture, the Museum of Modern Artand the Organizing Committee of the 27th National Visual Arts Biennial Santo Domingo 2013 released the names of the Jury for Selection and Awards, comprised of two national and one international specialist, in keeping … Continue reading "Jury for 27th National Visual Arts Biennial 2013 Announced"
The Globo Verde Dominicano Award Extends its Registration and Delivery Deadline at the Request of ContestantsSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic 7/17/2013 A s a result of the heavy rains in the Dominican Republic and after Tropical Storm Chantal passed over the island, many the participants of the II edition of the Globo Verde Dominicano Award have … Continue reading "The Globo Verde Dominicano Award Extends its Registration and Delivery Deadline at the Request of Contestants"
Ministry of Culture approves rebuilding of several pieces of cultural interest in Montecristi Montecristi 07/17/2013 T he Ministry of Culture held a meeting with officials and representatives of several cultural institutions in this province, where interesting projects to reconstruct cultural pieces that will contribute to the development of culture and tourism in the area were approved. … Continue reading "Ministry of Culture approves rebuilding of several pieces of cultural interest in Montecristi"
The Alcázar de Colón Museum will present “Noche temática” Colonial City, Santo Domingo, 07/17/2013 T he Colonial Museum will present “Noche temática del Museo Alcázar de Colón,” a space for cultural recreation and analysis of issues concerning the museum, through roundtable discussions, presentations, lectures, dramatic readings, parades and street theater. This initiative, to be held on … Continue reading "The Alcázar de Colón Museum will present “Noche temática”"
UNIBE Opens its IV Cultural Festival Santo Domingo, 07/17/2013 A s part of the celebration of its XXXI Anniversary, Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE) opened its “IV UNIBE Cultural Festival 2013. Interactive Art, Literature, Dance, Theatre, Music and Visual Art” where 87 artists from the university, including alumni, students, faculty and administrative staff, participated. The festival, which started … Continue reading "UNIBE Opens its IV Cultural Festival"
Dominican Diplomat at the Helm of Magazine Published in HollandThe Hague, Holland 7/15/2013 The recently inaugurated, Diplomat Magazine, which is the first of its kind in the Netherlands, designated the diplomat Dr. Eugenio Matos G. as its Honorary Associate Publisher. Matos is Minister Counsellor and current Economic Attaché for the Dominican Embassy in The Hague. … Continue reading "Dominican Diplomat at the Helm of Magazine Published in Holland"
U.S. Department of Agriculture positively assesses the work conducted by BRA in the Dominican RepublicSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic, 07/14/2013 M argie Bauer, Attaché from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) for the Dominican Republic, Haiti and Jamaica, gave a positive assessment to the work being conducted by the Batey Relief Alliance (BRA Dominicana) in the … Continue reading "U.S. Department of Agriculture positively assesses the work conducted by BRA in the Dominican Republic"
Education Ministry’s School for Directors Celebrates its Fourth Class of 189 GraduatesSanto Domingo Dominican Republic 7/14/2013 The School of Directors for Quality Education (EDCE in Spanish) under the Ministry of Education (MINERD) recently graduated 189 public school principals from the 18 Regional School Districts, which brings the total number of graduates to 671 since the … Continue reading "Education Ministry’s School for Directors Celebrates its Fourth Class of 189 Graduates"
“Crossover, arte y ciencia,” a joint exhibition of Soucy de Pellerano and Paula MessinaSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic, 07/14/13 C rossover, arte y ciencia (Crossover, art and science) is the name of the joint exhibit being presented by Soucy de Pellerano and Paula Messina -artists from different generations-, under the sponsorship of Fundación Imagen 83 and … Continue reading "”Crossover, arte y ciencia,” a joint exhibition of Soucy de Pellerano and Paula Messina"
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