Orquesta Sinfónica Juvenil se muestra renovada durante tres conciertos en el Teatro Nacional
Chef Tita brings her project “Nouvelle Dominican Cuisine” to New YorkDominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 4/8/13 This event is part of Chef Tita’s plan to rescue and promote Dominican Gastronomy. “I am a proud Dominican, a lover of food culture and the wealth we have inherited, and I hope to raise, with the gifts that God has … Continue reading "Chef Tita brings her project “Nouvelle Dominican Cuisine” to New York"
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Estudiantes exhiben sus talentos en VI Muestra Nacional de Teatro Escolar República Dominicana, Santo Domingo 08/04/13 Con la presentación de diez grupos de igual número de Direcciones Regionales, la Dirección General de Educación Artística del Ministerio de Educación (MINERD) realizó la VI Muestra Nacional de Teatro Escolar, en la que se pusieron en escenas obras … Continue reading "Estudiantes exhiben sus talentos en VI Muestra Nacional de Teatro Escolar"
Congress on the Arts as Means for Social Transformation Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 4/06/13 The First Congress on the Arts as Means for Social Transformation will take place on April 17 – 19, 2013, in the Manuel del Cabral Auditorium of the Pedro Mir Library, UASD.
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Creación Masiva presents two short films at the International Film Festival of Santo DomingoDominican Republic, Santo Domingo 4/4/13 Creación Masiva (Mass Creation) will present two of its most recent proposals at the XV International Film Festival of Santo Domingo, which will take place April 11 – 20, 2013. It is a story about love and … Continue reading "Creación Masiva presents two short films at the International Film Festival of Santo Domingo"
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Presentation of Rosa Silverio’s bookin Madrid Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo 4/4/13 This Sunday, April 7 at 6:00 p.m., Rosa Silverio’s book of short stories “A los delincuentes hay que matarlos(Criminals should be killed)” (Punto de lectura, 2012) will be introduced. Rosa Silverio is a Dominican writer based in Madrid, who is also known as the “Caribbean … Continue reading "Presentation of Rosa Silverio’s bookin Madrid"
The CCE library celebrates 20 years of service Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo,03/31/13 This year, the Library of the Spanish Cultural Center (CCE) celebrates its 20th anniversary in Santo Domingo. Such an important occasion for the community, and for the Spanish Cooperation as a whole, is worthy of being celebrated, by sharing the time, expertise and services … Continue reading "The CCE library celebrates 20 years of service"
Sexto Piso, Painting or Sculpture exhibitionDominican Republic, Santo Domingo, March 28, 2013 The exhibit will open on April 6 at 541 W 145 St., 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10031. We hope to see you there.
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