Orquesta Sinfónica Juvenil se muestra renovada durante tres conciertos en el Teatro Nacional
Children’s Book Published in English and Spanish Anya Damirón’s new book “Lucia’s Stories” a collection of children’s stories in English and Spanish, is now on the book shelves. The young Dominican writer said the idea of her short story collection is to transmit to children “a deep message through the magical characters, funny stories and … Continue reading "Children’s Book Published in English and Spanish"
Águilas dominan serie final al Licey Las Aguilas “mudaron el hipódromo” para el estadio Cibao, cuando por segundo día consecutivo masacraron a sus archirrivales Tigres del Licey, en la continuación este viernes de la serie final del torneo de béisbol dominicano. Edwin Encarnación disparó dos jonrones e impulsó 7 carreras, para encabezar el despiadado ataque de … Continue reading "Águilas dominan serie final al Licey"
Licey gana segundo al hilo y cierra la final 3-2 La ofensiva de los Tigres del Licey respondió nuevamente y derrotaron por 5-1 a las Aguilas Cibaeñas, en partido celebrado a casa llena este lunes en el estadio Quisqueya. Con esa victoria, el Licey cerró la serie final 3-2, llevando preocupación al lado aguilucho, que ya ha … Continue reading "Licey gana segundo al hilo y cierra la final 3-2"
Intercultural Dialogue between Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean and the DiasporaThe National Dominican Commission for UNESCO has organized a seminar to discuss intercultural issues between Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean and the Diaspora which will take place on Friday February 25 and 5:00 p.m. in the Manuel del Cabral Hall of the Pedro Mir Library … Continue reading "Intercultural Dialogue between Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean and the Diaspora"
Antonio Méndez Awarded Ultramar Prize for Literature at Book Fair 2009 The National Publishing House of the Ministry of Culture presented Antonio Méndez with the Ultramar Prize for Literature at the International Book Fair 2009 for his book: “The Dominican Woman: Immigrant in Search of Equality.” The Dominican author explains that the book is the … Continue reading "Antonio Méndez Awarded Ultramar Prize for Literature at Book Fair 2009"
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International Book Fair Dedicates Street to Carmen Quidiello de Bosch on First Day The Ministry of Culture (SEC) and the General Management of the Book Fair named one of the streets in the fairgrounds after Carmen Quidiello de Bosch as part of the first day of opening event of the XII International Book Fair being … Continue reading "International Book Fair Dedicates Street to Carmen Quidiello de Bosch on First Day"
Presentation of Portal Dominicanaonline.org at Santo Domingo International Book Fair With a simple click of the mouse, Dominicanaonlinge.org. allows its users to get to know the Dominican Republic not only from a historic and geographic standpoint, but from an economic, political and social standpoint as well. The detailed, comprehensive and interactive website on the Dominican … Continue reading "Presentation of Portal Dominicanaonline.org at Santo Domingo International Book Fair"
Brazil Presents Full Cultural Program at the XII International Book Fair of Santo Domingo 2009 Brazil, Guest of Honor at the XII International Book Fair of Santo Domingo 2009, on Tuesday opened its pavilion to visitors who used the occasion to pick up the schedule of the wide array of events being offered by Brazil … Continue reading "Brazil Presents Full Cultural Program at the XII International Book Fair of Santo Domingo 2009"
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