by Dominican Author Nicolás Mateo
New York, October 18, 2019 – Dominican writer and journalist Nicolás Mateo will launch his latest book “Global Governance and Geopolitics” (non-official translation) on Thursday, October 24, at the Ministry of Culture’s Dominican Cultural Commission in New York City.
According to the author the book discusses various issues that are linked by the dramatic events that have impacted history through the ages, and the associations made by States for the purpose of dissipating the specter of war or economic crisis.
The issues discussed, perfectly documented, talk on issues related to geopolitics and governance, and reforms and agreements between nations. Specifically, author Nicolás Mateo speaks on the Iran conflict, the Russian invasion of Afghanistan and on “Watergate: The Journalists that Toppled a President.”
In this new book Nicolás Mateo highlights important moments in history, and reveals the reality that has prevailed through time such as the imposition of the interests of the winners over the losers. This particular issue is discussed in short essays regarding the Treaties of Versaille, Trianon and the Washington Conference.
The book launching event is scheduled to begin at 7:00 p.m. at the Rafael Villalona Auditorium at the Commission building, situated at 541 West 145th Street, Second Floor, in Manhattan.
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Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
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